
df reports zero used space

za flag

On a VM in azure we mount some blob storage via NFS, which generally works good. I now found though, that df reports wrong values for usage of the NFS storage:

root@myVM:~# df -h /mnt/blob/
Filesystem                                             Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on  5.0P     0  5.0P   0% /mnt/blob

As you can see, it looks like we don't have any data in /mnt/blob, which is wrong. We stored lots of files there. We are running current Debian 11.6 there and used these mount options: /mnt/blob nfs nfsvers=3,nolock,proto=tcp 0 0

Is this

  • related to Azure (mounting blob)
  • related to huge FS (several petabyte)
  • maybe network related (tcp -> firewall?)

Any hints are welcome.

Romeo Ninov avatar
in flag
Try `df -k` to see it in kilobytes. You have 5 petabytes, so if you have used 5TB this will not be visible with `-h`
VerboEse avatar
za flag
Thanks for the hint, but still no success. The columns for "Used" as well as "Use%" show 0 (0%), even in Kilobyte.
I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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