Latest Server related questions

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HakanBaser avatar
Bunch of SAS disk and want to wipe all of them
jp flag

I have 40 SAS disks. The model number is HUS156060VLS600. 600 GB 15K 3.5 inch SAS disk. It came from a customer. And the customer wants to wipe all data inside of SAS disks. Customer said the disk was spinning and transferring the data on the enclosure. At this point everything is okay.

Firstly I bought a SAS-to-SATA converter enter image description here I had a Dell Server with a RAID card but only SAT ...

Score: 0
Revolucion for Monica avatar
Is it possible to install MySQL5.7 on Debian 10/buster?
cn flag

I have tried two times and it always fails. According to this little guy debian stopped packaging mysql-client as of buster. I tried to cope with it by installing MariaDB but I struggle to find a useful tutorial. Then I tried with this tutorial but I get the following error when installing the client:

miked@debian:~$ sudo apt install mysql-server
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
R ...
Score: 0
michabbb avatar
What could be the reason that docker bridge networks are not able to communicate with the world after an upgrade from debian 8 to 10?
us flag

I know, this question is very specific. After a whole day, I gave up and installed a clean Debian 10. Because on a system that got upgraded from 8 to 10, it was impossible for me to find the reason, why a container connected to a custom bridged network, is no longer able to talk to the outside world. In other words:

On both servers:

docker network create test

On the migrated server:

docker run -- ...

Score: 1
Vini avatar
Ansible run a task on a different host than local
kr flag

I have an ansible playbook which runs on localhost. I need to run a particular task which is invoked inside my playbook on a different host (different group). Is this possible to speicify within the task that this task should use a different connection as opposed to the local which is used by all other tasks and roles?

role1: (runing on localhost)
- task1
- task2
- include_role:role2
  tasks_from:  ...
Score: 0
NileshPlus91 avatar
where is my hdd space
in flag

I am new to linux and installed Centos with default configuration without applying any custom settings, while I have 512 GB SSD drive but on gnome it shows only 75 gb, when I tried to run fdisk command it shows some partition but I dont see them on UI (see screenshots)

Disk on CLI

Disk on UI

so can someone tell me there is that big partition, how can I use it, and can I increase space in partition  ...

Score: 0
AhmedRana avatar
Android VPN not adding routes (not working)
gb flag

I initially asked the question here but they asked me to ask at serverfault.

My office is using old Cisco VPN (not anyconnect). The one with pcf file, group preshared key and user authentication. I can connect and use it using shrewsoft for Windows or Mac's built in VPN. I can also connect to it using Android's built in VPN (IPSec XAuth PSK) but the vpn does not work. I initially thought that may be its ...

Score: -1
tux avatar
let teachers reset passwords of students in Active Directory
in flag

I am at a school that runs ActiveDirectory (Windows Server 2012 actually) and our teachers want to be able to reset students passwords, they won't use the ticket system in case a student forgets their password but will be angry on the IT-Administration (duh!)

So I just want to give them the option to reset students passwords (only students passwords!). How do I do this?

Score: 1
k3s - select ingress nodes with default traefik
ru flag

I have a k3s cluster with

  • 1 master + 2 nodes
  • default traefik as ingress

Traefik is running on the master node.

  • Is there a way to label nodes / change manifest so that traefik runs on the nodes instead of the master?
  • Is there a reason for default traefik to run on the master node?
Score: 0
AnnoyinC avatar
losetup mounts disk image as one device. How to loopback the partitions seperately?
kn flag

I have a disk image with 2 partitions. When I do #losetup -f <file> only /dev/loop0 appears. How do I make /dev/loop0p0 and /dev/loop0p1 appear? Using #parted /dev/loop0 it does show the 2 partitions are present. I need the 2 partitions present as seperate devices to chroot into the main partition and set up grub on the esp partition.

# sudo losetup -f disk.img 


$ lsblk
NAME   MAJ:MIN RM    ...
Score: 0
Fabiano Tarlao avatar
Anaconda, how to perform installation in a multiple-server and multi-arch environment, same network-mounted home (Linux Redhat)?
im flag

I like to mount the same home folders on different servers, a set of them have x86_64 arch, and a set of them have Power9 architecture. (both running Linux Redhat)

I like to understand what may be the best way to use (and install) conda (e.g., ..miniconda), both in userspace or system-wide installation, in a way that I can access the right "conda" binary when running on a specific architecture, a ...

Score: 0
gern avatar
How to assign a driver to a specific interface?
ec flag

working on : ubuntu 20.4 (hosted by esxi) I would like to assign a driver to a specific interface :

ifconfig show two interface name



160 is classic ETH and 192 is an HBA connector 25 Gb.

I show you more informations with the fcoe command :

#fcoeadm -i ens192

Description:      VMXNET3 Ethernet Controller
Revision:         01
Manufacturer:     VMware
Serial Number:    005056AAA998

Score: 1
Windows time service sync to external ntp servers only if they coincide
cn flag

I recently had a problem which I've never seen occur before. One evening around 2030 one of the DC's changed its clock back an hour. This server syncs to two addresses in Nobody was present when this occured and the event logs clearly show time-service syncing against a public ip.

I can only assume that we hit a server which was incorrecly configured because, after the chaos the fol ...

Score: 1
Linking authentication FreeIPA and SSO
be flag

Long story short, my goal is to have all user permissions managed in one place and then deployed everywhere. My thoughts are that Active Directory/FreeIPA is perfect for this sort of thing. It also comes in handy because some users will need to login to linux servers. Also I need to link the account with a GSuite account (this is easy enough with the Google Cloud Directory Connector). The catch is that  ...

Score: 0
oolnux avatar
ColdFusion log files - application.log
in flag

So, I would like to understand some more things about colfusion log files and in particular application.log. In particular, I had my site scanned by some malicious people and I would like to know if they retrieved any data from me. I did notice that based on the access log files.

What do the errors in this file mean exactly? But if the application.log coldfusion files produce an error, does it  ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.