Latest Server related questions

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zerodoc avatar
Adding mirrored array to an up and running Qnap system
cn flag

We had 2 Qnap Nas running side by side. 1 was a TS-251 and the other is a TS-451. Both are using 2 bays in a RAID 1 configuration. The 251 had a hardware failure and will not boot up. These two systems are compatible according to the Qnap tool and both had recent firmware.

The question is, can I add the TS-251 RAID 1 array to the spare 2 slots in the TS-451 and be able to access the data on both  ...

Score: 0
Secondary network interface can't be pinged with Amazon Linux 2 AMI
ru flag

Short story: both private IP addresses on primary network interface can be pinged, but both private IP addresses on secondary network interface cannot be pinged.

Long story:

Based on this aws documentation, using Amazon Linux 2 AMI, it will automatically configure additional network interfaces and IP addresses.

With a micro ec2 instance, theoretically it can have 4 private IP addresses (2 network inter ...

Score: 0
Tom avatar
Block access directly via IP on Apache server
bf flag

I have a Load Balancer provided by Digital Ocean that has a public IPv4, which can be accessed via HTTP and HTTPs by any user (there is no way to block at source).

To prevent users and scripts from accessing the server directly via IP, I added a rule in VirtualHost on Apache servers (VPS).

In my tests, the return is always 403, that is, theoretically the IP access block worked.

But I noticed that there ...

Score: 0
uday avatar
Dpinst is showing the UI screen even after sending silent parameters, how to fix that?
ke flag

The OS version:


The Dpinst window I am seeing:


The command I am using to suppress the window, but not working here.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\IA\Eclipse\FTDI Drivers\dpinst64.exe" /S /Q /SA /LM /SW

With or without /Q same issue

Score: 1
Converting "docker run -v external_folder:internal_folder
cn flag

I have the following docker run command:

docker run -dit
-v $PWD/etc/ipsec.conf:/etc/ipsec.conf:ro
-v $PWD/etc/ipsec.secrets:/etc/ipsec.secrets:ro
-v $PWD/etc/ipsec.d:/etc/ipsec.d:ro
-v $PWD/etc/ipsec.d/certs:/etc/ipsec.d/certs:ro
-v $PWD/etc/strongswan.conf:/etc/strongswan.conf:ro
-v $PWD/etc/strongswan.d/charon-logging.conf:/etc/strongswan.d/charon-logging.conf:ro
-v $PWD/etc ...

Score: 1
Daniel DeSousa avatar
Intermittent 104 Connection Reset By Peer in GCP us-east4
br flag


I have a long running discord bot (3+ years) written in which has always run on GCP, zone us-east4-a. The bot runs in k8s using 1.7.2 and python 3.9.


In the past month or two, I have started to see an increasing number of connection interruptions, [Error 104] Connection reset by peer. The resets are not tied directly with the amount of activity on the bot. They  ...

Score: 1
scferg5 avatar
Renew Let's Encrypt without root access
in flag

I'm in a peculiar and unfortunate situation where our network administrator suddenly passed away and no one was prepared for taking over the server management. We have an internal Linux VM that runs client-facing APIs and I just received notice that the Let's Encrypt SSL will expire on 7/1/2021.

I am not sure if the network admin set it to auto-renew... There is no mention of certbot in the "normal" cro ...

Score: 4
Transfer today's borg backups to a different repo
dk flag

Here's my current backup strategy. I have a bunch (let's say 200) of servers that run a periodic borg backup script (deployed via this ansible role: to a central backup server, over ssh.

Each server has it's own ssh user, it's own home dir and repo on the remote backup server. And backups work fine (with regard to compression/deduplication)! :)

Now, I ...

Score: 0
andrew avatar
why auditd not monitor/report adhoc log file?
in flag

I tried to watch my adhoc alert.log file with auditd, but I don't know why it does not work. I found no related entries in the auditd.log file.

# auditctl  -w /tmp/alert1.log  -p wa -k alert

# auditctl -l
-a never,task
-a always,exit -F arch=b64 -S adjtimex,settimeofday -F key=time-change
-a always,exit -F arch=b32 -S stime,settimeofday,adjtimex -F key=time-change
-a always,exit -F arch=b64 -S c ...
Score: -1
Betacoder avatar
Can I assign domain name to an ec2 instance?
us flag

I have a domain at GoDaddy and my web app running at amazon ec2 instance at port 80. I wanted to use the domain name for the web app. Is it possible to map domain name to ec2 instance?

Score: 1
What is the unit of measure for timeTaken_d in Azure diagnostics?
pl flag

I want to get a list of all requests that are taking longer then 2 seconds and I think this is correct as the timeTaken_d appears to be a floating point and would seem to be in seconds.

| where ResourceType == "APPLICATIONGATEWAYS" and OperationName == "ApplicationGatewayAccess" and timeTaken_d  > 2
| project TimeGenerated, host_s, requestUri_s, httpStatus_d, backendPoolName_s, serverR ...
Score: 1
Leonardo avatar
Error when migrating projects in GCP, could someone help me?
nr flag

I'm trying to Migrate 2 projects originating "no Organization" to a newly created organization in GCP.

When trying to perform the migration, it displays the error: Permission denied You do not have the following required permission to perform this action: "resourcemanager.projects.update"

I've tried to perform the procedure via command too but it didn't work either: ERROR: (gcloud.beta.projects.move ...

Score: 0
Kiran RS avatar
MariaDB crashes frequently
us flag

I'm suffering from MariaDB crashing issue for a weeks running on VPS Debian 10. I searched a lot in the internet ,but couldn't found any solution. I tried this , this, this etc... but seriously I didn't found any solution.

This is the MariaDB error log.

2021-06-15 17:03:53 0 [ERROR] mysqld: Can't lock aria control file '/var/lib/mysql/aria_log_control' for exclusive use, error: 11. Will retry for 30  ...
Score: 0
Ajay Sashikumar avatar
AD LDS (ADAM) replication error 5 - Access is denied
tn flag

We have two domains - Prod & QA, we have one way sync between the two forests. Requirement is to setup a AD LDS instance between Prod (Master) & QA(Replica), the RPC & AD LDS ports are opened between the two LDS servers. I was able to setup the replica instance on the QA server. When i do a repadmin /replsummary - I get an error AD LDS replication error 5 - Access is denied between the serve ...

Score: 0
rimalroshan avatar
Using hostname only instead of FQDN in certificate
in flag

Can a localhost's name be used on a self signed certificate and used internally for the applications running on the same localhost?

I am just trying to test my applications with certificates.

Forgive my ignorance I am new to deploying certs.

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.