Latest Server related questions

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Alin Horne avatar
Cron Jobs don't run all the time (just a part of the hour)
ua flag

I work on a website who is using cron jobs for import and update products. The platform is Woocommerce. The supplier offered the csv file, and a server requirements. I have them over the requested: 32GB RAM, 16vCore, 400GB space.

The issue is that the job is working just few minutes/hour...between 3 and 10 minutes, even he have alot of pending jobs. I mean, for example, at from 09:00 to 09:10, th ...

Score: 1
Omar Aladdin avatar
replace with regular expression in azure devops
cn flag

I want to take this buildVariable


which will equal for example:


And replace from digit [7] till line end with empty string


I tried

- ShortCommitId: ${{ replace(variables['Build.SourceVersion'], '[[8]-$]','') }}

but it didn't work

Score: 1
raylight avatar
How can I proxy pass applications to locations different from "/" with Apache?
cn flag

Let's say I have three applications on my server: node-red (1880), jupyter (8888) and pgadmin (5433)... I can successfully create a localhost proxy pass with them individually as the following:

<VirtualHost *:80>

    <Location "/">

</VirtualHost> ...
Score: 1
alberto xD avatar
I cannot use internet and there is no connection after activation of Wireguard
vc flag

I am really noob in this field. I am trying to carry out a server to develop a domotic center with home assistant. The point is that I would like to access remotely to this server because it is in a country house. To do so, I was trying with Wireguard as VPN for a safe conexion. I have installed it using docker compose with the following lines:

version: "2.1"
    image: l ...
Score: 1
PilotPatel avatar
AWS: API gateway 502 error randomly with Runtime segmentation faults
sc flag

I am using AWS and have an api which is called via API gateway which calls a node.js lambda function.

Very often but randomly I get 502 responses but when I immediately try again with the exact same request I get a normal response. So I decided to search the logs to see if I could find any issues.

The following is what I found for 1 of the requests:

RequestId: xxxxx Error: Runtime exited with error: sign ...
Score: 1
Martin Braun avatar
Redirect HTTP to HTTPS whilst allowing ACME challenges through the 'Standalone HTTP server' method in pfSense (with ACME and HAProxy)?
sb flag

I use my pfSense with ACME and HAProxy extensions to manage and auto-renew certificates as well as having a reverse proxy with load balancing capabilities. In my ACME module I define my domains to challenge for like so:

In my domain SAN list I have my enabled domain with the method type 'Standalone HTTP server'.

This means once my certificate will be re-newed, a standalone HTTP server will be launched that will listen on port 80. The 'well known acme challenge' files will be reached on such ...

Score: 2
David Cunningham avatar
Linux ports become unavailable
cn flag

We have some Ubuntu 18.04 servers with hard-to-diagnose problems that have some similarities. The servers run a hosted VOIP PBX service with various component applications.

  1. Kamailio occasionally starts giving "Lost connection to MySQL" errors. (these connections are TCP)
  2. Kamailio occasionally gives "more than 'max_user_connections' active connections" MySQL errors. (these connections are TCP)
  3. Asterisk  ...
Score: 0
HackSlash avatar
How to remove old devices from FMAudit Onsite?
ao flag

If you use FMAudit to collect printer usage data it will accumulate junk devices over time. Not just old printers but it picks up many things that respond to SNMP query.

As of version 4.1.3 the GUI still doesn't offer an option to remove old devices! The only forum post I can find talking about this issue says the solution is to reinstall. That doesn't sound ideal.

How do I remove old devices?

Score: 2
Joao Henrique da Silva avatar
How to set kvm to use router's dhcp in linux?
ve flag

I'm new to kvm and my question may be obvious to some. How to use the local router dhcp instead the kvm local dhcp. The local dhcp has a range starting from and i need it to use the local router with a range starting from How to configure it? Thanks in advance!

My /etc/libvirt/qemu/networks/default.xml

      <uu ...
Score: 0
Retrosec6 avatar
redis-server unable to to start on RHEL 8 due to custom configuration
eu flag

I have redis installed on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 server. Locally, redis-server starts normally if using default config/ not config file provided. Redis can be used locally to create and query some keys.

redis working locally

Checking services running with systemctl shows that the service has a failed active status:

redis not running nor active

This seems to be because no config file was provided  ...

Score: 0
don avatar
auto forward sender's email using mySQL to lookup up email address of recipient then send
mc flag

Here is the scenario. Users of my web site can search for other users who live in the same vicinity. Match results display links which transfer match data to a send message page. The send msg page queries a mySQL database for the real email address of the matched user and substitutes it into the original email.

Is there a simple script to auto forward the original message to the real email addres ...

Score: 0
tonyAndr avatar
NGINX config for the subdirectory app using Slim Framework
dm flag

Need help editing the config below.

I have main site in / and another app (api) in the folder /api. I'm using Slim Framework, so it has accesible index.php file in /api/public. Now, I'm trying to be able to access that api using uri like (hiding /public).

Current config was generated by the admin panel:

server {
    charset off;
    ind ...
Score: 0
Tools or processes to review security questions
US flag

I'm looking for a tool or process to review external customer questions or scans against our internal database of security issues stored in Azure DevOps/TFS or Loopio. We get customer scans using Nessus, and other tools, and there should be automation to ingest this information and compare it with our existing bug tickets.

Is this a known problem with software solutions?

Score: 0
pkachu avatar
How to create Multi-metric Alarm
in flag

There are multiple instances with servicename-N running & i am able to push custom metric using python sdk to Namespace-X. However when i create alarm it only let me select One metric from one of the instances. Any pointers, to achieve this(have meta data like serviceName in notification email) ? scenario

Score: 0
campos avatar
Bind does not start on a DC Samba 4. What to do?
ro flag

I'm migrating a Samba DC that uses Bind9, but when I try to start Bind on the new DC, a permission error is displayed. Reading some links I saw that the apparmor can be a problem, however it is not mounted. What should I do to solve this problem?

Software versions:

  • Debian: 11.6
  • Samba: 4.13.13
  • Bind: 9.16.33

Consulted links: ...

Score: -3
user71541 avatar
Connect mobile app to a server in LAN
us flag

we have a system running in a LAN without access from outside. Now we developed a mobile app which should communicate with this system using API calls.The mobile phone would use a celuular network connection and access the system from internet.

The question is how to make the system avaiable from internet for the mobile app. This is what I came up.

  1. Open a port and forward the communication to the server ...
Score: 0
Igor Popov avatar
Slurm jobs undesirably get access to all threads
kg flag

I have one Ryzen R9 5950x CPU (16 cores/32 threads), one Xeon Phi 7120p card and partition/node in slurm.conf defined as:

NodeName=mic0 RealMemory=15000 Sockets=1 CoresPerSocket=61 ThreadsPerCore=4 State=UNKNOWN
PartitionName=compute Nodes=mic0 Default=YES MaxTime=INFINITE State=UP TRESBillingWeights="CPU=1.0,Mem=4.0G"

NodeName=amd RealMemory=10000 Sockets=1 CoresPerSocket=16 ThreadsPerCore=2 Stat ...
Score: 0
Migwell avatar
firewalld stopping for no reason
az flag

I have a Red Hat 8 server. On it, I have used firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=https to enable public traffic to the server. When I systemctl start firewalld, this works as expected. However, every 10 minutes or so, the daemon gets stopped. I'm not doing this myself, so I assume some other part of systemd is doing this. Here is the output from journalctl --unit firewalld --pager ...

Score: 0
erict avatar
WireGuard VPN setup not returning data to client
it flag

I had a WG setup that worked great until my pfSense hardware crashed. Rebuilt on an old Dell box now; everything except Wireguard is working. Data seems to flow from peer through Wireguard to internet, but data coming back looks to be blocked and I can't figure out why. My WG is assigned to interface OPT1 (static IP4, and I have firewall rule for OPT1 passing any to any. In WAN rules I  ...

Score: 0
mxcdh avatar
Squid proxy service on docker with multiple ip on this same interface
br flag

I using squid on docker, and have problem with connect to other site by selected ip. I always connected by default host ip, not additional failover ip.

My setup:

a) server -dedicated server on -1 dedicated ip from server, and 6 additional by ovh service 'failover ip' -each failover ip added to main interface, and I have on main eno1 interface has 7 ip. -i added all failover-ip by this guide  ...

Score: 0
Alojzij Blatnik avatar
Setting up resilient single drive NVMe storage for LUKS encryption
us flag

I would like to set up resilient encrypted storage with single NVMe drive for my laptop and its (encrypted) backup (with SATA housing and SSD drive).

This is what I have at the moment:

  • SSD -> GPT partitions (unencrypted /boot, EFI, and LUKS) -> LVM -> BTRFS.

I started checking if LUKS has any CRC, so that it wouldn't multiply data corruption, and it seems that it has not. It will create 16 w ...

Score: 0
Volker avatar
ddrescue only rescued half the drive, how do I salvage the rest?
in flag

I have a USB hard drive that appears to have failed. Now I'm trying to transfer as much data as possible to a fresh drive with ddrescue -n -f -v /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc2 recovery.log. I ran into the error message Input file disappeared: no such file or directory a few times, with things like this in dmesg:

[13140.221752] Buffer I/O error on dev sdb1, logical block 481912624, async page read
[13185.036766 ...
Score: 0
Biruk Abebe avatar
RAID Disk shows foreign status after being removed and inserted into the wrong slot
fi flag

First of all forgive me that my understanding of Dell RAID system is limited. I have a dell PowerEdge server with PREC H330 Mini controller with 6 of the 8 slot having a physical drive (each 2.182TB) setup as RAID 5 (showing around 10TB with degraded status). Initially the server failed to boot with an error message that it can't find bootable device with the 7th disk slot blinking orange. To make the p ...

Score: 1
stmas avatar
IPv6 port scanners hang after scanning a closed port
aq flag

I am testing nftables firewall rules using two virtual machines, one with the active firewall and one that tries to connect to it.

For example with netcat and no firewall:

nc -6 fe80::9d08:b3e2:47fa:2935%ens33 <any port>

responds successfully with "connection refused" if no service is listening, but the port is open. And if I have netcat listening on the port on the other side, connection succ ...

Score: 0
waltmagic avatar
CPU 100% PHP-FPM Processes Wordpress
es flag


I have determined that I have a configuration problem and my ignorance is the problem. I have php-fpm processes that are eating up all of the ram and cpu of my server. I decided to max out a vps instance to verify this. It's not an attack or lack of resources. It is pure ignorance of php-fpm and how it operates. I am looking to learn here. I just want my miserable experience to benefit anot ...

Score: 1
Dell DCU-Cli.exe missing after upgrading to universal update 4.7.1
cn flag

I have a problem with the Dell update tools. Up until now I've been pushing out a combination of Dell Update and Dell Command | update to end up with both a

The latest Dell Update Universal, version 4.7.1 (exe name Dell-Update-Windows-Universal-Application_0991N_WIN_4.7.1_A00.EXE), seems to remove older versions of both Dell Update and Dell Command | Update, leaving me with just Dell Update 4.7.1 instal ...

Score: 0
munish avatar
RHEL 9 : bash: subscription-manager: command not found
tl flag

something is messed up in my system and now i cannot access rhel repos. subscription manager itself is not there. How do it install subscription manager.

Score: 0
FM-Radio avatar
Multiple SNMP managers on single PC
bt flag

What I'm trying to do is use multiple instances of SNMP managers to get information out of devices (FM transmitters). In my use case one device could be disconnected which would have to wait for timeout or take time to respond. as a workaround for this I want to know if it's possible to start multiple instances and request simultaneously on all managers, one manager for one device. the manager I'm plann ...

Score: 0
Haf avatar
Can changing the DNS name of a postfix server damage reputation?
nl flag

I was tasked with taking charge of all services at my current job after the person previously in charge left. Some of our services were using a domain name that's wholly in his possesion, not that of the company. So far, I've managed to change them all to our own domain names, but I'm unsure whether changing the mail ones (postfix, dovecot, etc.) can have any negative effect on our IP reputation. Is thi ...

Score: 0
b0d avatar
Apache retain file name and extension
sz flag

I'm trying to configure aliases for static files in apache. My config looks something like:

Alias "/x760yxl1" "/home/soft/public/user_12/pa01.mp4"
Alias "/y460yzl5" "/home/soft/public/user_21/pa05.mp4"

When navigating to the x760yxl1 route, the browser downloads the file with the name provided in the alias (x760yxl1, without the .mp4). How do I make apache serve the file, retaining the original name and  ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.