Latest Server related questions

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Yarden avatar
How does a vpn route all traffic through it's tunnel but allow it's own traffic to go over the internet
ls flag


I want all outgoing traffic from my system to be routed to a tun0 device, wrapped with DNS packets and then sent to the internet, but the DNS packets also gets routed back to tun0 device.


As part of a project i'm working on I have to implement a DNS tunnel on a system without TCP traffic (all TCP traffic is dropped).

I decided to implement this in python, and I came across a problem u ...

Score: 0
Yanko Hernández Álvarez avatar
Duplicate message delivery to always_bcc with dovecot and Simple Content Filter (Postfix)
ru flag

I'm trying to set up a very low traffic postfix mail server using:

  • A Simple content filter ( It's way simpler than the advanced one and the traffic is low.
  • dovecot as a delivery agent. (Because of maildir quotas and sieve filters)
  • always_bcc to keep copies of every mail sent. (Bussiness rules)

My relevant configs are:

smtp      inet  ...
Score: 0
Alireza Shahrokhi avatar
Nginx Proxy Reverse With 2 subdomain behind cloudflare
cn flag

Hello to all dear teachers, I am almost an amateur in the network and I thank you in advance for your guidance

I am considering, using a reverse proxy, to send requests from the primary server to a second server behind the cloudflare CDN This is because Cloud Flare is not directly available to us

My questions: 1_ Both servers need to install NGINX? Or is it enough to install only on the primary serv ...

Score: 0
USB wlan1 Hotspot stops working when eth0 cable is plugged in
br flag

I setup successfully an USB wlan1 as AP via hostapd, and isc-dhcpd (it listens only to wlan1-interface) on a Raspberry 4 (using Raspbian). Regardless if wlan0 (the onboard WIFI) is connected to a WAN hotspot, wlan1 Clients can ping that wlan1 interface. IP Forwarding/masquerade works, and if wlan0 is connected to WAN AP, wlan1 clients also have internet access. Perfect!

But in the moment i plug-in

Score: 1
timi avatar
Why would Dpkg::Options --force-confold be ignored?
fj flag

I have been trying to suppress an interactive dialog with regards to modified config files and conflicts. I have been all over the search results, and everyone keeps copy and pasting the same exact answer without providing additional context.

I have landed at the solution to put a config file in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d that contains the well-copy-pasted item:

Dpkg::Options {
   "-- ...
Score: -1
Hemendr avatar
I can access FTP site from Windows 10 Host Pc but not from my Virtual Machine on VMWare
my flag

On my host PC with Windows 10 I installed IIS + FTP Service (NOT FTP Extensibility). Using WinSCP software I can access this FTP site from my public static IP. I cannot access my FTP site if it is hosted on virtual machine (Windows Server 2019) on VMWare Workstation. I can access the FTP site from virtual machine only when I turn private firewall off on that VM. I have forwarded port 21 (TCP) on my home ...

Score: 1
alexander7567 avatar
Can I give DirectAccess clients IPv4 addresses instead of or along with IPv6?
id flag

I started a new company that is all remote. They have never had a true IT person, and I am coming to realize what a challenge full-remote is for things like GPOs, internal DNS, and basic management.

I setup DirectAccess and people are now at least getting GPOs, can actually update their passwords and authenticate against the domain.

But, I cannot connect to them with my usual set of tools. They get  ...

Score: 1
ph3ro avatar
Dump a Table from MySQL Database directly from sql server using bash
ro flag

How can I dump a table from a MySQL database using a bash script?

Like we can use the below command to dump a table

mysql -u username -p database_name > file.sql

But how can I dump only a single table from a database?

Can someone please help me for the same?

Score: 0
domandaciao avatar
I increased VM storage from Virtual Media Manager in VBox but it is not applied in VM
id flag

Here is how I increased the storage of the VM in the VBox interface: I used Virtual Media Manager.

  • I increased the VM storage and apply.

When I click Information:

  • Format: VDI
  • Storage details: Dynamically allocated

As you see, it should be 31.52GB but let's go to VM and run

└─# df -H
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
udev            666M     0  666M   ...
Score: 0
James Hopwood avatar
Does interface bandwidth and/or interface type (SATA/NVME) affect IO and Random 4KB RW performance
us flag

TLDR: The advertised IOPS of NVME drives is leaps above any SATA SSDs, but how much of this is due to limitations of the:

  1. Interface (SATA/NVME)
  2. Interface Bandwidth (PCIE Gen 4, Gen 3, SATA 3, SATA 2)
  3. Or Memory Controller Quality?

Premise: I've got an old - old Dell PowerEdge T410 server I've brought some upgrades for, 64GB of DDR3 1333Mhz RAM, and 2x Intel X5675 6/12 Xeons. But ultimately the m ...

Score: 1
Losmoges avatar
Postfix "Name service error for name=dovecot" in docker-compose
in flag


My docker-compose --version is 2.13.0

I have created a reproducer in

My trial has three docker services in the compose file: postfix, dovecot, and client. They share a network through the bridge driver.

  • Postfix is configured to forward incoming emails to dovecot through the virtual_transport = lmtp:dovecot:24 setting in the c ...
Score: 1
Alakananda S avatar
AWS Ec2 instance (ubuntu) instance not showing elastic ip address
cw flag

I have allocated an elastic IP address to an AWS Ec2 (ubuntu) instance. But when i am running the 'ip address show' command, it only displayes the public IPV4 address, not showing the Associated elastic IP. How can i see the EIP in the command line?

Score: 1
user3142695 avatar
Is it possible to run a mailserver on a nginx layer 4 server?
cn flag

I've just created a layer4 nginx server, which is used as a load-balancer for a kubernetes cluster.

I know it is a very basic question (and probably I'll get a lot of downvotes for this), but is it possible to install and run a mail-server on the same machine? Is the mailserver traffic just running on different ports and therefore it shouldn't be a problem?

My nginx config looks like this:

user www-data; ...
Score: 0
How do i manage my client certificates on google cloud platform?
US flag

I have built a https server on google cloud platform. This can now be visited by anyone, I wanted to avoid this by using client certificates. So with this the question is how do I get a client.cert and how can I apply this to my frontend load balancer on google cloud platform.

The ssl certificate of my domain is managed by google cloud itself.

Score: 0
lastans7 avatar
Can several magnetic heads in a cylinder of one disk read or write simultaneously?
bs flag

For example, a disk has 8 surfaces, each has one magnetic head. If all but one heads disappeared, the disk can reach 10MB. What will the speed if using all heads?

Score: 0
pileup avatar
How to protect the URL that identifies the file location when using X-Accel?
th flag

I am using internal directive to protect folder from being accessed from external requests:

location /protected_files {

The folder stores images. In my frontend, I create <img> tags with some identifier to that path:

// JavaScript part that sets the path
image.src = `get_image?path=/${path}`;

So now the above code is in a loop that appends many images. Then when the page loads it sen ...

Score: 0
Q2Q avatar
php-fpm 8.1 on ubuntu 22.04 lamp stack ignores directory ACLs
us flag

I've been running a pretty fine lamp stack hosting multiple sites. Pools are running okay. Each website has it's own pool and runs as it's own system-user. These system-users are created without /home/.. directories and without shell. Each users has it's own group as the same name (default). All these (user) groups had been added to www-data (apache) user.

I'm using php-fpm 8.1 with apache2.

The pro ...

Score: 0
gray web avatar
GPO MSI Install - Error 1305.Error reading from file
xk flag

Windows Server 2016

Adobe Reader DC msi


I'm trying to install Adobe Reader remotely and silently to a set of PCs in a Windows Domain. I have setup a network share, ABC-Deploy$, containing the Acroread.msi together with a GPO (software install) policy to effect this. So far I have not managed to get it working.

Having spent some time trying to isolate what I thought might be a policy failure, I decided  ...

Score: 0
Thomas avatar
how to use systemctl with pem file for remote commands
ng flag

I am wondering an anyone tell me how to use a pem file with the systemctl command in order to be able to issue a remote command whilst logging in using the pem?

I am running it on Ubuntu 22.04

systemctl -H abc@xyz -I mykey.pem status command.service - This doesn't work -I isn't an option for systemctl

Score: 1
night-gold avatar
Helix swarm not loading
fr flag

Working on a Debian 11 instance.

I'm trying to configure a perforce server by installing helix swarm on it. I followed the configuration, created the accounts and everything, tested the connection with the configuration file and it seemed to worked.

At the begining we had config file problems and it did indicate that.

When we fixed the issue, we had a new issue that I still have: when trying to access  ...

Score: 0
Why can slaves not replicate from master when Leader (Searching) and Leader (Replicable) do not match?
ge flag

I've got a Solr 9.1 master and slave. I have set up replication. The instances runs in containers.

When the slave starts up, I request http://localhost:8983/solr/[core]/replication?command=fetchindex in that slave to retrieve the index. However, this always gives the following error :

2022-12-16 14:57:58.159 INFO  (explicit-fetchindex-cmd) [] o.a.s.h.IndexFetcher Leader's generation: 658
2022-12-16 ...
Score: -1
Meek Call avatar
Need specific pw reset restriction in Active Directory
xk flag

So right now anyone in our help desk can reset the AD password to any account, including domain admins. How can I make it so that they can rest passwords for standard users, but only sysadmins can rest the passwords of other sysadmins? (Also looking to do the same thing with adding to groups tbh) Thank you!

Score: 0
Random Name avatar
Apache processes and threads hanging
cn flag

I have apache on some of my servers using mpm_prefork, and from time to time processes start getting busy in W and hanging there forever. This actually happens on the prod server only, and at the end of the day I have like 50-60 stuck processes, and then a cron job restarts the apache at 3am to clear out the garbage. The problem with this is mainly the OLTP issue, but also I wouldn't expect this behavio ...

Score: 0
MasterPL avatar
Hp Proliant DL360p gen8, Intel 10G ethernet adapter and no access to Inteligent Provisioning
bf flag

I have HP Proliant DL360p gen8

and network interfaces:

Intel X520-DA2 Intel I350-T4 and HP 331FLR

There is problem to access Inteligent Provisioning only with Intel X520-DA2 - when this card is enabled, on Inteligent Provisioning we can see white screen with communicates "transfering to" and "waiting for". This is no matter about network / links connected to this card.

On other cards l ...

Score: 0
Radical_Activity avatar
Nginx Server Down - Resource temporarily unavailable & upstream response is buffered to a temporary file
sd flag

I have a live Ubuntu 22.04 server serving websites, that are mostly static but using PHP (Laravel) to display pages (there are some dynamic elements).

I'm using Php8.1-fpm and Nginx to serve the pages. I'm receiving about 40-50k traffic on a daily basis. The avg. server load for 1 minute is usually about 0.03. CPU usage is 12-15%, Memory usage is 10-12%.

Something happened today. The site was unavai ...

Score: 0
Okrx avatar
Ansible and Jenkins: "winrm is not installed: cannot import name utils
gd flag

I started to learn Ansible and Jenkins a few days ago. I'm stuck on one particular problem and despite many efforts can't figure it out. I have a very basic playbook that runs OK if I run it directly from the command line.

Ansible and Jenkins are installed on the same Ubutu virtual machine.

I'd like to run it via Jenkins and I manage to do so but the workflow terminates in error. This is the console ...

Score: 0
xxlali avatar
Is it possible to manage read/write requests on AWS RDS?
bq flag

We are planning to create a read replica on our MySql Database on RDS but we want to manage this on AWS. Does AWS has a solution that manages requests and redirect them if write to the master otherwise to the read replica?

Score: 0
Rajsekar Reddy avatar
Why server response time is more than a minute for a website, it happens for one website and other website loads fine?
dm flag

I have multiple websites hosted on this server and one website "server response time" is very very high (more than a minute).

below are the findings... and i am unable to understand whats going wrong, and unable to understand the strace command output as i am very new this this command

[root@hosting ~]# ps -eo pid,ppid,cmd,%mem,%cpu --sort=-%mem | head
  PID  PPID CMD                         %MEM %CPU ...
Score: 2
CvM_curious avatar
netplan does not implement the route to gateway, in Ubuntu 22.04
cl flag

sorry if this is trivial ... but I do not seem to be able to get netplan to set the proper route to the default gateway. I have to manually set it using 'sudo route add default gw [...]' to enable the server to reach the internet.

This is my current netplan configuration (in /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml):

  version: 2
  renderer: networkd  
      dhcp4: no
Score: 1
TaskerBliss avatar
Best way to serve static folder that is not presented in frontend build
jm flag

I have the following situation. Web content of my app is located in a standard directory /var/www/ Also I have a folder users_statics somewhere inside this directory, where my app stores some essential files that were uploaded by users. Note, that these files are not incorporated in frontend build, and during usage only URLs to this files are needed.

However, my deploy pipeline sc ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.