Latest Server related questions

Score: 0
Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service - CVE-2022-37966
cn flag


After enabling KrbtgtFullPacSignature (value 3) according to KB5020805 the entire domain becomes unreachable, at the login screen the following message is shown: “Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service“ and we had to rollback the domain controllers through backup.


  • Set KrbtgtFullPacSignature to value 2
  • Checked msDS-SupportedEncryptionTypes, values  ...
Score: 0
user132645 avatar
MongoDB authentication instance without cluster i.e. using mongos router without a sharded cluster?
de flag

So my question is:
Is there a possibility to have something like a Mongo authentication instance running on a VPS, together with fail2ban, which only forwards authenticated requests to a home server MongoDB? The trouble of setting up a whole shared cluster in order to be able to use the mongos router seems a bit overkill for my hobby purpose.

My setup:
I have a home server (no public IP) and a host ...

Score: 0
CT2022 avatar
Is it possible to use udpping in PRTG cutome sensor?
um flag

I would like to monitor udp port by udpping but the return value is not valid for PRTG cutome sensor.

It is possible to use batch script to fix this issue? or other methods for monitoring udp port?

Score: 0
ojn06031 avatar
mdadm resync slows down to 0K/s over time
br flag

I have a problem with resyncing my raid1. Everything worked fine until now and I don't know what the problem is.

When I reboot my machine the speed of the resync is at about 100000K/sec but over the span of about 1h it slows down to 0K/sec. I already tried setting /proc/sys/dev/raid/speed_limit_min to a high value but that didn't help either.

The tests I've done using SMART show no errors (both devi ...

Score: 1
Andrew Newby avatar
fts_solr for Dovecot - can't find plugin file?
in flag

I'm trying to follow this to get Solr search setup with my Dovecot install:

It all seems to work fine - and I can see the core in Solr admin. I'm using Solr 8.9.0, but it seems happy with the config files.

However, one of the commands it says to run to actually index:

doveadm fts rescan -u [email protected] 

I get:

Fatal: Plugin 'ft ...
Score: 0
user1651758 avatar
how to delete a file by a inode in linux kernel
cn flag

I got the inode of a file in linux kernel, I want to delete the file by the inode.

Do I need to unlink every dentry of the inode? or do I need to unlink any dentry?

Which locks should I use to protect what?

Score: 0
Ryan Lyu avatar
Kubeadmin: Why do we need to upgrade the kubelet and kubectl seperately?
ph flag

Kubeadmin is a tool to manage and maintain the Kubernetes cluster. Based on the Kubernetes Doc, there are rough four steps to upgrade the controlplane node.

  1. upgrade the version of kubeadmin itself

  2. cordon the node

  3. upgrade the controlplane components with this command kubeadm upgrade apply v1.26.x

  4. upgrade the kubelet and kubectl with this command.

    apt-mark unhold kubeadm && \
    apt-get update  ...
Score: 0
feinaps avatar
Mobaxterm like ssh manager for linux
bd flag

I am looking for a GUI program that has a file viewer on one side with download/upload functions when connected via ssh. Any suggestions for Linux desktop?

Score: 0
lucky avatar
Nginx route based on condition
jm flag

we are running react service as frontend and nodejs as backend service in docker containers and we are using nginx proxy as a load balancer to serve those containers in feature we are trying to run two frontend docker containers and two backend containers side by side one with version 1 and second with version2 and im searching for configuration in nginx where i can put like particular user go to vers ...

Score: 0
RodO avatar
No config named ... error when running ipsec up
il flag

I am getting the 'no config named ...' error like others have posted. I have auto=add in my etc/ipsec.conf file as I read in one post. I have followed everything which I have read online to no avail. I am running Ubuntu 22.04.1 and the latest strongswan. Let me know what information I need to provide to get some help with this. Thanks in advance.

Score: 0
Budianto IP avatar
Varnish - detach and attach cookies
cn flag

First of all, I'm asking to find out whether this is possible or not.

So, I can see Varnish will not cache objects if it has cookies.

I'm thinking about when an incoming request has cookies, Varnish will store them in variables and remove those cookies, and then let it through to the backend. Once the backend finishes processing it, Varnish will put back the cookies.

is this something that is possible? ...

Score: 0
Tribe56123 avatar
Does number of static pages on a web server's storage affect it's performance?
me flag

Imagine Website A Running on server A has 100 Static Pages and Website B Running on server B has 1000000 Static Pages, Both use the same tech (Software, Hardware E.T.C.) to run.

Does Server B use more resources (Primarily Ram, CPU) other than storage when there is no traffic?

Does Server B use more resources (Primarily Ram, CPU) when Client A (website user) requests to fetch a static web page?

Score: 0
Thomas Browne avatar
use HAproxy to route IPv4 address to IPv6
my flag

I wish to direct all http traffic on port 4000 on an IPv4 server, to another server that only accepts IPv6. socat works for fine for http (but not https) as follows:

sudo socat TCP4-LISTEN:4000,fork TCP6:[xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx]:4000

However I'd prefer to use HAproxy because that will allow me to do a bunch of other stuff like load balancing and multiple sites to one IP. This /etc/hapr ...

Score: 0
Adam avatar
How to install PHP Sodium on Ubuntu 22.04
kw flag

I'm running a Google Cloud server running Ubuntu 22.04. It's a typical LAMP stack (PHP is version 8.1.2). Some of the websites on the server are using Laravel 8.

I recently upgraded one of the websites to Laravel 9 and I received the following error:

Class 'Facade\Ignition\IgnitionServiceProvider' not found

From a little bit of research, apparently this is caused by a PHP extension Sodium missing.

Score: 1
Walt Stoneburner avatar
NGINX: localhost redirecting to _
in flag

nginx version/1.18.0 (Ubuntu) — Ubuntu 22.04.01 LTS x86_64 kernel 6.0.8

I've got a server (install specs above) that has multiple host names, is running nginx, and everything is working (including nginx, with redirects from http: to https:).

In fact, here's how I'm doing that in my default server:

listen 80 default_server;

listen 443 default_server ssl;
# force https-redirects
if ($scheme = http)  ...
Score: 0
Joe avatar
2 Interfaces with different metric, and a single default gateway - losing connection
cv flag

I have a weird issue. I have two interfaces: One is my WiFi, The other is a 4G USB

I am trying to set up the default GW through the 4G USB (which is NATed by the 4G provider, hence, I can't SSH through this interface into the device) because I need all the traffic to go out through the 4G interface.

I also need that all traffic from my local LAN to be funnelled through my WiFi interface, and, I need ...

Score: 0
Black Dynamite avatar
VSCode-Docker Not Invoking "CMD"
cn flag

TL;DR Image built by VSCode only executes the CMD command when I press the Run button in the Docker Desktop UI.

Hello Folks,

I'm playing around with a Drools image along with Docker Desktop and VSCode.

My devcontainer.json file looks like the following:

    "name": "Existing Dockerfile",
    "build": {
        // Sets the run context to one level up instead of the .devcontainer folder.
        " ...
Score: 0
Ping Fails but Nslookup Works Over Wireguard VPN
fr flag

I have run into an odd situation with my wireguard setup.

My Setup: Wireguard tunnels access to my network. Active Directory domain controllers provide DNS. Clients use the DNS servers over the tunnel. Linux clients have no problems resolving DNS queries with a wireguard tunnel using the domain controllers as DNS servers.

The Problem: Windows clients cannot browse with an active wireguard tunnel. Ping fai ...

Score: 0
caccialdo avatar
How to set request timeouts at every network hop
ec flag

I'm trying to wrap my head around network timeouts and how they should be set for each hop of a given request. For simplicity, I'm not looking at a breakdown of connect vs. read vs. write timeouts and will assume "timeout" means "max allowed total time from first packet received to last packet sent (or vice-versa for the client). Say I have the following hops in my request flow:

(client) --> (AW ...
Score: -1
Corey avatar
How can nftables be configured using a declarative specification?
cn flag

How can nftables be configured using a declarative specification? I've been reading up on Firewalld, iptables commands, etc. I'm looking for a way to write the rules in JSON, YAML, TOML, etc. and just "apply" them.

Score: 0
eccentricOrange avatar
Any way to make program run only on a performance core (P-core)?
bf flag

I need to run a compiler, and people have previously found that it runs well on a single core.

Now that Intel's 12th generation consumer chips have separate P-cores and E-cores, can I somehow tell the compile worker to run specifically on a P-core, so that it gets the fastest core on my machine?

Score: 0
best_of_man avatar
How to use a local cluster by "Skaffold" while using "Kubeadm" for the "Kubernetes"?
pl flag

I am trying to deploy my NodeJS application on a local Kubernetes cluster, using skaffold but I get the following result:

DEBU[0018] Pod "expiration-depl-7989dc5ff4-lkpvw" scheduled but not ready: checking container statuses  subtask=-1 task=DevLoop
DEBU[0018] marking resource failed due to error code STATUSCHECK_IMAGE_PULL_ERR  subtask=-1 task=Deploy
 - deployment/expiration-depl: container expiration is ...
Score: 0
Is it possible to fully undelete an Azure AD hybrid user account? If so, how?
tr flag

Whereas this article says a deleted AD user only needs to be restored from the recycle bin for its Azure AD object to aslo be restored. For us, when an AD user object is undeleted, Azure AD Connect thinks it must provision (create anew) an Azure AD object, throwing the error, "InvalidHardMatch: Another cloud created object with the same source anchor already exists in Azure Active", when it finds th ...

Score: 0
Does NetApp allow third party tools to get access to the volume directly?
in flag

NetApp has a notion of

  • logical storage,
  • volume used and available space

The logical storage deviates from volume used and available space, because the used space has storage optimizations like deduplication and compression.

Does NetApp allow third party tooling to get access to the raw read-access to the potentially-deduplicated and potentially-compressed volumes?

Score: 0
user3811862 avatar
Squid Reverse Proxy with SSL
dm flag

I'm trying to use squid as a reverse proxy in front of a single website, to decrypt the SSL on the proxy and then to encrypt the connection to the webserver (this is in order to use squid as an ICAP client for a zero trust CDR product).

I can see that this requires two config lines: https_port accel for the listener and cache_peer parent 443 for the webserver.

Following the examples  ...

Score: 0
Norritt avatar
`docker ps` is silent when connecting to another Host
cc flag

I am trying to execute sudo docker -H ps from machine A (on remote host), and it does not respond in any way (Ctrl+C closes call).

Same time, sudo docker -H version from A runs smoothly.

Running command sudo docker -H ps from another machine (within another network), let's say B, is OK.

I can connect to dockerd port 2375 from both machines A and B, and / ...

Score: 0
adrelanos avatar
nginx: How to backup / duplicate nginx Cache-Control header?
ao flag

The backend server sets the Cache-Control HTTP header but the frontend might manipulate it. For debugging it would be useful to see the Cache-Control HTTP header as the backend had set it. Hence wondering, it it possible on the backend server to set custom (X-) header that contains the same value as Cache-Control?

I tried the following already:

more_set_headers "X-Backend-Cache-Control: $http_cache_ ...
Score: -1
Denis Nikolaenko avatar
How to disable time zone redirection over RDP for Azure Virtual Desktop on client, not server
bd flag

I was assigned an Azure Virtual Desktop. The time zone on my laptop and time zone of AVD differ. When I connect to AVD, the time zone in the RDP session is set to the time zone of my laptop. The AVD is managed via Windows domain and I do not have administrative privileges on it. Is there some kind of client side setting to not initiate the time zone change in the new RDP session?

Score: 0
user584018 avatar
Reverse proxy issue with secondary site
cn flag

I have httpd.conf configuration like below,

SSLProxyEngine on
ProxyPassMatch ^/(.*)$$1
ProxyPassReverse ^/(.*)$$1

When I am running httpd and over the browser when I do http://localhost, it's redirects to the landing page of site perfectly.

Now on button click over landing page, browser navigates to other site ...

Score: 0
QkiZ avatar
Logical volumes are not activated on boot
be flag

Ubuntu 22.04.1 here. I have a volume group called system created during installation. There are three logical volumes in this group.

  --- Logical volume ---
  LV Path                /dev/system/swap
  LV Name                swap
  VG Name                system
  LV UUID                qeGYCG-PseM-IzIW-rpit-0zwI-lbKs-q0jL8D
  LV Write Access        read/write
  LV Creation host, time ubuntu-server, 2022-1 ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.