Latest Server related questions

Score: 0
Samba AD: huge DNS files in /var/lib/samba/{bind-dns/dns,private}/sam.ldb.d/
au flag

We have a small Samba AD server with around 20 users and 70 machines (including phones, printers, etc.).

The DC=DOMAINDNSZONES... .ldb files under /var/lib/samba/private/sam.ldb.d/ and /var/lib/samba/bind-dns/dns/sam.ldb.d/, are over 600 MB and keep growing.

I tried to run samba-tool dbcheck --cross-ncs. It listed 47 "expired tombstones" and ended with "Checked 122451 objects (0 errors)".

Running  ...

Score: 0
nanto avatar
OpenVPN TCP connection to firewall failing: unknown error
be flag

I want to premise that I am not an expert in connectivity, firewalls, routers, and related topics.

For the past two days, I have encountered an error when attempting to connect to my office VPN through the OpenVPN software. The error message I receive is as follows:

Tue Jul 18 12:34:52 2023 WARNING: Compression for receiving enabled. Compression has been used in the past to break encryption. Sent pack ...
Score: 0
mm1234 avatar
Exim filter check if email is forwarded
nz flag

I'm using Exim with Cpanel. I created email forwarding from '[email protected]' to '[email protected]' and '[email protected]' to '[email protected]'.

I want to filter only emails that are forwarded so if a user sends an email to '[email protected]' no thing would happen but on forwarding this email to '[email protected]' I want to filter it.

I can't do that:

if ("$h_to:, $h_reply_to:" contains " ...
Score: 0
marcello42 avatar
Bootprocess stops after detaching raid member
hm flag

I run following Setup in my Testlabor before migrating into production:

Dm-crypt/luks Raid1 / btrfs EFI dracut / fedora Server GRUB2 Systemd

I simulated a drive failure (the one without boot partition)

The boot process stops with: Waiting for Job of disk by uuid - no limit

I suspect it’s waiting for the root fs to come up.

  • I added the root flag “degraded” so the btrfs is mountable.
  • Removed the sec ...
Score: 5
Rakshith k avatar
AWS server completely shutting down because of the insufficient CPU memory (server-kernel: out-of-memory )
gt flag

WordPress website(4years old) have been recently migrated from shared server to the AWS server (2cpu, 4GB ram,80 SSD).After migration website was working fine but in the night between 2am and 6am the CPU is showing spike in the usage(only on Saturday or Sunday) which cause the CPU to run out of memory and shutting down the whole server and also mail servers. After restarting the server website is runnin ...

Score: 0
DanRan avatar
Nginx Amplify "Regex location has no anchors in regex pattern". How to fix corresponding lines in Nginx virtual host?
mx flag

I am running Nginx with Nginx Amplify. In my Amplify>Analyzer>Static Analysis Section I am gettin the following errors:

Regex location has no anchors in regex pattern Regex location has a regex pattern without ^ or $. This is a configuration style that is prone to errors. It may also lead to a situation when requests partially matching the regex pattern are incorrectly routed to this location. Alw ...

Score: 0
Dizzy49 avatar
Multiple MD1200s, Multiple External Connections Increase Throughput?
lk flag

I am looking at a setup with two Dell MD1200s loaded with 6Gbs SATA drives. What I am trying to figure out is if a single card with two external inputs would be a bottleneck, or if it would be better to have two cards and connect one MD1200 to each one.

Score: 0
forsberg avatar
Limit requests in a particular time from the same IP
mx flag

I found that there is a bug in a library of an app that sends requests to my server. It sends sporadically twice the same requests instead of one in the same time. It makes the app working incorrectly.

Can I deny more than 1 request to the server in an interval of about 1-1,5 second? If so, how can I do that? If not, what could be a work-around for not accepting more than 1 request at the same ti ...

Score: 2
Jeff Do avatar
Nginx reverse proxy not loading static files under sub application correctly
bt flag

I have a server hosting multiple .NET Core applications on different ports, with nginx reverse proxy setup to redirect users to the correct application via URL.

The current setup is as followed:


upstream app1 {

upstream app2 {


location /app1/ {
    rewrite ^/app1/?(.*)$ /$1 break;
    proxy_pass http://app1;

location /a ...
Score: 0
DanRan avatar
Nginx Amplify "Regex location has no regex pattern". How to fix lines in Nginx?
mx flag

I am running Nginx with Nginx Amplify. In my Amplify>Analyzer>Static Analysis Section I am gettin the following errors:

Regex location has no regex pattern
Regex location has a valid modifier, but does not have a regex pattern.
Performance-wise it is more efficient to configure exact or prefix matching for locations that do not require regex matching. It is also less prone to errors. Please r ...
Score: 1
Setting MAINPID from podman container
co flag

I'd like to send a systemd notification with readiness and main pid. Unfortunately, it seems like systemd doesn't cope with translating pids from different namespaces. (Just a guess...)

Specifically, I'm staring a service with:

ExecStart=podman run --rm --cgroups=disabled -v /run/systemd:/run/systemd ...

And the started script does:

echo "MAINPID=$$" | nc -uUN -w0 /run/systemd/notify
Score: 0
Ben avatar
isc-dhcp-server "No subnet declaration for enP4p65s0"
mr flag

TL;DR: I'm aiming at configuring my own Ubuntu 22.04LTS-based router for my home network, using isc-dhcp-server, nftables & NetworkManager. I'm experiencing weird DHCP behaviors.

I'm using a Nano Pi R6S which has 3 ethernet interfaces :

  • enP3p49s0 : WAN (connected to my ISP router - duh) - router is attributed an IP via DHCP MAC address reservation configured on the ISP router
  • enP4p65s ...
Score: 0
Andrey avatar
Create git server with many repositories
aw flag

Please consider my question from a technical point of view. I am faced with the problem of access control to git repositories. I need to somehow distinguish the access of certain ssh-keys. That is, the key should give access to one repository, not to all. I looked at how git servers are organized: a git user is created (that's what it's called, I'm shocked))), a repository (one) is created and shh keys  ...

Score: 0
user1204270 avatar
storcli - remove physical drives from a virtual drive
us flag

Using an AVAGO Megaraid controller with the storcli command line software on Ubuntu.

My virtual drive has 8 10TB physical drives in a RAID5. I want to remove 2 of them so I can use those slots for another purpose. I have already shrunk the file system and the partition and have the device unmounted.

Here is part of what 'storcli /c0/v0 show all' gives:

    /c0/v0 :
-------------------------------- ...
Score: 0
S.Beale avatar
rsync directory is smaller at destination
na flag

I am having a difficult time using rsync from my computer to a remote server. I have a folder with a few sub directories and a lot of small files. On my computer the total size of my directory (using du -h) is 6.4GB. When I try to rsync it to the remote server it seems to work fine but when I check the file size it is only 1.3GB. It looks like all the sub directories are there as well as the files bu ...

Score: 0
somenxavier avatar
nft Quality of Service (qos)
jp flag

Is there any way to have a QoS over nftables.

I have a webserver and I want to restrict that HTTP input traffic should have maximum of 90% of bandwith. Is it possible?

Nothing found in official documentation.

Score: 0
Bjohn avatar
ADDC for domain could not be contacted, because there are two domains and DNS for second (new DC) used to be point to old domains DC
ad flag

I feel like this is a pretty simple question but I'm still little new to DNS. So the company I work for had an old Domain setup on a vlan that just wasn't worth the effort of saving so I created a new vlan and started a new domain but I wasn't ready to retire the old yet as there was still several offices using it. So, to keep old clients/services I bridged the two networks with a nic on each side of th ...

Score: 0
joeldesante avatar
What is the origin and meaning of the shorthand "[::]:25" when refering to an ip address and port number
my flag

Sometimes when working with certain libraries or applications that listen on a given port I will receive a log entry that looks like the following:

[2023-07-17 19:04:36] INFO  SMTP Server listening on [::]:25

The above log is produced by the SMTP-Server package for NodeJS.

I recognize that [::] is probably referring to localhost and :25 refers to the port to which the application is listening. Bu ...

Score: 0
naps1saps avatar
Unable to add VM Switch: Hyper-V was unable to find a virtual switch with name
ne flag

I messed up our host running Core 2022. I can ping the server but can't connect to anything and the server can't communicate out either. I have no idea what is wrong however Hyper-V has been tied to the issue. There was a vm switch present when I reset the NICs after which the vm swtich has disappeared. I cannot add a new switch. When I run the command add-vmswitch server and add a resource grou ...

Score: 0
RootPhoenix avatar
iptable rule for an IP address with "any" subnet mask
cn flag

I have a requirement to add an iptable rule for lets say src IP dest IP any.

iptables -t filter -A FORWARD_0_IN -p all --ipv4 --source --destination  -j DROP

Above command fails with error: iptables v1.8.6 (legacy): invalid mask `any' specified

This /any implies all possible subnet masks /0 to /32. I want to avoid adding individual 33 rules for each subnet ...

Score: 0
mtloya avatar
TrueNAS SMB Share Inaccessible by NetBIOS Name
pt flag

I'm currently working on a TrueNAS server to create a file share for a computer lab, and I've got everything working except for being able to connect to the share via it's custom NetBIOS name.

I can connect to the share via \\TRUENAS or its direct IP, but I'd prefer that the NetBIOS name that I had set be what students can connect to and see.

Everything on the console side looks correct. Hostname, N ...

Score: 0
fueggit avatar
When mounting external disk in fstab via fuse.sshfs it requires password although identityfile is set
eg flag

Using Ubuntu 22.04. My fstab entry: /mnt/volume fuse.sshfs defaults,allow_other,reconnect,_netdev,users,ServerAliveInterval=15,identityfile=/root/.ssh/id_rsa,uid=101,gid=101,ServerAliveCountMax=3 0 0

Check fstab line with:

mount /mnt/volume-1

storage requires to enter password although I'm using rsa key with identityfile parameter.

Could it be related with  ...

Score: 1
preferred_anon avatar
What exactly is the nginx request_uri?
pk flag

I'm trying to understand the $request_uri variable in nginx configuration. The documentation says

full original request URI (with arguments)

To me that seems to be totally unambiguous - it should be the entire requested URI, including the host and protocol. But in actual usage, it seems to only include the path & query arguments. Is there any authoritative source that says exactly what nginx con ...

Score: 0
Marshall Davis avatar
How To Terraform Datadog Monitors with Dynamic Thresholds
in flag

I'm attempting to create a number of resources from the DataDog provider. I'm hoping to have to define as little as possible for each resource. For many properties there is some sensible default. I am having difficulty in deciding how to handle monitor thresholds, specifically that some may be optional.

resource "datadog_monitor" "monitor" {
  for_each = {
    faulty_deploy = {
      message    = " ...
Score: 1
Dboy avatar
deploying pfSense in OVH public cloud as a DHCP server in HA
za flag

I am trying to deploy two pfSense in the OVH public cloud (OpenStack). Each has its own public IPs and public connectivity works without any problem.

Things become more complicated on the vRack part (private network).

A network was created using both regions and subnets as defined below (no DNS nor routes are defined):

  "GRA": {
  "SBG": {
    "s ...
Score: 0
Alan Nicolas de Oliveira avatar
Redirect http calls inside iframe to https using nginx
ie flag

I have an https website that needs to render an iframe of a external website that only works with http. The external http endpoints is all inside a url like:

Browser don't allowed this (mixed content error. http inside https...), so I configured my https website nginx to create a reverse proxy on url /foobar to solve this issue.

Now I call the url: https://my-webs ...

Score: 0
Avinash raj avatar
Unable to start managed server in running mode ,it has been stucked after
is flag

Unable to start managed wls_report server in 12c ,it was strucked after this the server has successfully established connection with domain level diagnostic services.

It has been stucked managed server .

I have 2 managed server ,one is running wls_forms and wls_reports stuck .

Please help me . it's very urgent

Score: 0
MonkeyZeus avatar
Interpolate environmental variable into a string
in flag

In a <VirtualHost> block I have this:

# Extract the first subdir and assign it to "subdir"
SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI "^/?([^/]*)(?:/|$)" subdir=$1

# Add the subdir to the logging path
CustomLog "|bin/rotatelogs.exe -l c:/logs/%Y.%m_apache_%{ENV:subdir}_access.log 86400" combined

But it's not creating the desired:

c:\logs\apache_app3_a ...
Score: 0
MondQ avatar
Can't get .pfx file to work on Linux
ge flag

I am writing a C# program that has to call an API endpoint that requires authentication via certificates.

I have got a .pfx file, which I can import in Windows and everything works fine, however the app must run in a Linux environment in a Docker container.

I can import crt files into the /etc/ssl/certs folder in my Docker container just fine using the update-ca-certificates command.

I have tried ...

Score: 0
Alois Kraus avatar
Cannot enable Diagnostics Log Kernel-Power Thermal-Diagnostic
fk flag

When I try to enable Thermal Diagnostic event log I get the code 15003 which means that no ETW provider is registered. Is the Thermal Diagnostic event log no longer supported in Windows? It sounds useful to check if an overheated CPU was throttled due to overheating which could explain strange performance issues.

How would one detect CPU thermal throttling without that ETW provider?

enter image description here

- <Event xmln ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.