Latest Server related questions

Score: 0
AhmedWas avatar
DHCP renewal can't go through because DHCP server is down
in flag

To my experience, if a DHCP client tries to renew its lease, but the DHCP server is down, and after the lease time is over, there are two possible scenarios:

  1. The client keeps the IP
  2. The client goes back to INIT state

I've seen the two scenarios before with different vendors.

I can't find exactly which one is according to the standard. Can someone help? Thanks!

Score: 0
AmazingRealist avatar
Outlook 2016 cannot logon to Exchange 2016 after upgrading Office from 2010 to 2016
cn flag

The environment:

Single domain, two Windows Server 2012 R2 domain controllers, one Exchange 2016 CU23 server and Windows 10 21H2 clients. Environment is offline, NTLM is disabled and clients authenticate via Kerberos.

The problem:

After upgrading Office 2010 standard to Office 2016 standard, Outlook 2016 cannot logon to Exchange. The error message when opening outlook is:

Outlook cannot log on. Ver ...

Score: 0
Hussain Akbar avatar
How to specify ppd when adding CUPS printer
kn flag

On client's Oracle 7 server, I have added printers to cups using the cli. I use this command line for adding:

lpadmin -p Warehouse3Printer -v smb://printer:[email protected]/HPLaser -P ./Downloads/HP-LaserJet_P2014n.ppd

Client has many printers and nearly all are different models. They are attached to Windows PC's via USB and shared as "HPLaser". Each PC has a local user named "printer".

Various RPM's ...

Score: 0
pictoru avatar
Multiple issues with Nginx configuration
bn flag

I am quite new to Nginx and I just can't make it work. I have a web app hosted in Azure. It's a WordPress website.

Here is the Nginx file:

server {
    #proxy_cache cache;
        #proxy_cache_valid 200 1s;

    listen 8080;
    listen [::]:8080;
    root /home/site/wwwroot;
    index  index.php;

    port_in_redirect off;

    location = /favicon.ico {
Score: 0
SandShriner avatar
Connecting 10G SFP+ slot to 1G SFP slot
tl flag

Will connecting a switch operating in fixed 10GB mode and SFP+ slot and SFP+ module, to: A server's network adapter operating in fixed 1GB mode with SFP+ slot and SFP+ module result in damage to the SFP transceiver modules and the switch/Network Adapter involved ?

Both connectors have spf+ modules, but operate in different fixed modes, as configured from the switch, server network adapter themsel ...

Score: 0
fluxrider avatar
openvpn split-tunneling for a blacklist
gw flag

I want all my internet traffic to go through the vpn, except a few sites (e.g. so I can stream shows normally, but run other things through the vpn).

My vpn provider gives me a .ovnp file. I should quickly mention I have fibromyalgia and can't think well. So I've blindly added verbatim somewhere in the middle kinda randomly to the ovnp file the following, which I got from other threads.

allow-pull-fqd ...
Score: 0
Crazycrafter 227 avatar
Unable to connect IBM Flex compute node to network
nl flag

I am having a problem wiht configuring IBM/LENOVO FLEX SYSTEM's networking.

The problem is that the node sees 9+ different interfaces where 2 are active but without a connection.

We bought the system from a old company pre configured, and are not able to factory reset the settings due to losing all the firmware updates. (at least that's what i'm told)

The configuration goes through a small LAN network ...

Score: 6
endurium avatar
How do physical multi-core CPUs relate to vCPUs
bm flag

I've been told that the third-party application I need to host on a Windows Server 2022 box needs 3 CPUs with 8 cores but my enterprise cloud provision service (it's in-house at work) specifies computing power in terms of vCPUs.

What's the relationship between a multicore CPU and vCPUs?

Score: 0
picapica avatar
WireGuard config protection
ng flag

I want to set up WireGuard in the corporate network instead of OpenVPN. How can the client's config be protected from theft or loss? If the client's config falls into the wrong hands, then attackers can use it

Score: 2
dj423 avatar
Possible to parse ldapsearch output?
tm flag

I have an ldapsearch query to pull some data of an email system, I am trying to parse the data into something I can analyze in a table/flat file, and generate reports on the accounts.

Sample of the ldapsearch output:

# scott, people,
dn: uid=scott,ou=people,dc=example3,dc=org
zimbraCOSId: 3f5exxxf-08eb-439a-8d93-cef26b03b722
zimbraMailDeliveryAddress: [email protected]
zimbraLastLogonTim ...
Score: 0
Donny avatar
Quota restriction error when attempting to create a GCE image
de flag

I am trying to create a GCE image from an VMDK file but I am getting a quota error. None of the quotas on my quota limit page are at or near 100%.

Which quota or restriction am I hitting here and why?

> gcloud compute images import cloudimg --source-file=gs://bucket/cloudimg.vmdk

Copying [gs://bucket/cloudimg.vmdk] to [gs://proj-us-east1/tmpimage/cloudimg.vmdk]...done.
WARNING: Importing image. Th ...
Score: 2
W Lucking avatar
Storage Spaces Direct CSV vs non-CSV volume performance difference
br flag

In a Win2019 S2D deployment having 4 nodes of 4 SSD per node, I create a new NTFS volume and I create a new CSV_NTFS volume. I'm using diskspd to test. I'm running the tests from the node in which I will obtain DirectIO.

I'm getting 250k/610k write/read 4k IOPs on the NTFS and 187k/954k IOPs on the CSV. I would think the underlying subsystem is essentially identical, except that the NTFS volum ...

Score: 0
How to mitigate named UDP spoofing?
cn flag

How can named be configured to require TCP for updates and log that TCP was used?


Jul  6 11:01:28 server named[865]: client @0x7f89200aa3d0 update 'domain.tld/IN' denied

should end in T or U

like for queries

... I'm looking for mitigations for a naive standard.

Score: 1
SandShriner avatar
Can wrong SFP module damage equipment?
tl flag

SFP modules convert electrical data from the equipment to optical signals. There is no incoming power surging from an optical port to damage the equipment according to my undarstanding of fibre optics. SFP draws voltage/power from the equipment itself. So can wrong or incompatible SFP modules or cables damage the equipment itself, such as switches or network adapters or is the possible damage exetent is ...

Score: 0
Erel Segal-Halevi avatar
How to detect what is starting malicious processes on my server?
id flag

I recently noticed an exceptionally high outbound bandwidth from my Ubuntu 22.04 server. I saw a process with a random name (something like sdfgardfh) with a high CPU usage, and suspected that it caused the bandwidth overage. I killed the process, but immediately afterwards, a new similar process started, with a different random name (something like ktsdfyhr). I rebooted the server, but immediatel ...

Score: 0
bkane521 avatar
Web server returning high number of 502 and 504s
gb flag

We have a web application (LAMP stack) with traefik as a reverse proxy that is suddenly giving HTTP 502 and 504 errors on >50% of requests, both for static files and php scripts. In the traefik dashboard I can see a count of these errors, but the logs there don't reveal any information - I suspected the issue was with Apache timing out, possibly from being overloaded.

However looking at the Ap ...

Score: 0
Honey Badger avatar
Reset password on IPMI HP LO 100
bf flag

I need to reset password on LO 100. Server HP ProLiant DL120 G6. If i use lo100cfg.exe from SmartStart Scripting Toolkit i have error "The Microsoft IPMI WMI provider may not be installed properly.". WinRM service is running.

Score: -1
DeBaum avatar
Docker Container DNS slow (~ 4 seconds) with DNS resolver as container
nr flag

DNS resolution inside all of my Docker containers is consistently slow (slightly more than 4 seconds). From the host, DNS queries are fast, as well as on the rest of my network.

I must admit I did not try many things up until now because googling did not give me many answers. As you can see below, many TCP packets go to e.g. or I think the .domain suffi ...

Score: 0
Navin Vinayagam avatar
Not able to access the ejabberd server even in ejabberdctl if ejabberdnode name is changed in GCP deployment using environment variable
bi flag

As a first step in using ejabberd cluster in GCP, I tried to change the node name using the environment variable "ERLANG_NODE_ARG=ejabberd@main" as mentioned in the readme file.

But I am not able to access the ejabberd server in the service. I tried to check the status using ejabberdctl, the start command returns node already running message while the status command return node down message. ente ...

Score: 1
Posix avatar
Map Mailbox object and MailboxStatistics object and ReducedRecipient
eg flag

There is three cmd-lets in Exchange EMS:

  • Get-Mailbox - returns object type [Mailbox];
  • Get-MailboxStatistics - returns object type [MailboxStatistics];
  • Get-Recipient - returns object type [ReducedRecipient].

There are some "ID"-like properties in each of these object type. After reading the documentation here, here and here I still do not understand what these IDs mean and which of these properties ...

Score: 0
achhainsan avatar
How to deploy an .ear file in glassfish?
qa flag

as-install/bin/asadmin deploy war-name

The docs mention this command, but where will it be deployed isn't mentioned. Does it automatically realizes in which domain it should be deployed? And in which location it should be deployed?

Score: 0
Chimera_t avatar
Tagged VLAN not working on TP Link TL-SG1016PE
tz flag

Draytek AP 960CTP Link SwitchesHPE SwitchDrayTek 2866enter image description hereenter image description hereI have created an additional VLAN upon my company network, configured exactly the same as VLAN's already in place. However this new VLAN does not work. WI-Fi devices are unable to connect to this VLAN (VLAN ID 40) of which I don not understand way. The other VLAN ID's 10,20,30 work fine accepti ...

Score: 0
RoyalGoose avatar
Zabbix: The history of the metric is not displayed on all timeframes
ni flag

There is a metric (in this case, the temperature of the router). On timeframes from minutes to the last two days, everything is displayed correctly, all data is in place.

enter image description here

When I try to view the metric for the last 3 days, week, month and up to 3 months, it says "no data" and nothing is displayed.

enter image description here

When I switch to 6 months and then to a year or more, everything also displays correctly.

enter image description here

I don't und ...

Score: 1
sleep until this systemd timer calendar time occurs?
bg flag

systemd has timers with lots of useful ways to input dates or times. I'm writing a long running data processing script. Is there any command to sleep until a specific systemd time definition occurs? e.g. systemd-timer-sleep --until-calendar="03:00", a commmand which would block until the next 3:00am.

Yes, I know this means my script might run for days, that's OK.

I'm sure I can do this with date &

Score: 0
Martin Perry avatar
Connect from Mac OS to Windows - cannot connect
cn flag

I have Mac and if I do

 nc -vz 777

I got

nc: connectx to port 777 (tcp) failed: Operation timed out is a Windows machine in the local network. I have enabled port 777 on Windows Firewall (I am using the built-in one). I have also tried other ports, but with the same result.

If I disable firewall altogether, I got:

nc: connectx to port 777 (tcp) faile ...
Score: 0
revy avatar
ECS: downtime due to unhealthy containers killed before replacement
mn flag

I have an ECS cluster configured with ELB healthchecks and autoscaling policy on average CPU. When there is a spike in traffic, some containers stop responding to ELB healthchecks and are marked as unhealthy. The problem is that ECS starts draining connections and killunhealthy containers before starting new ones, so it happens that I can have zero containers running before new ones are started. The aut ...

Score: 0
rexkogitans avatar
Apache directory listing: Permission denied
jp flag

So, I want to achieve something which should be easy: I want my Apache webserver to deliver its automatically generated directory listing since it is about statics HTML and PDF files.

However, I always receive an HTTP 403 response.

The error log says:

AH01276: Cannot serve directory /var/www/html/my-website/: No matching DirectoryIndex (index.php,index.html,index.htm) found, and server-generated director ...
Score: 0
user19917937 avatar
Protecting a Linux against root users
hm flag

I'm searching for a way to "protect" a Linux operating system against (root) users that can potentially misbehave.

My threat model is the one of university students, having access to root password of desktops (to deal with network configuration, install packages, and so on), but without any access to the UEFI, and my goal is to be able to restore the system in its original state after a simple re ...

Score: 0
Gogo avatar
Apache VirtualHost Same domain for Front and API
lb flag

I have a multi-tenant application that is resolved using subdomains with the pattern *.localhost. The front-end of the application is accessible at http://localhost:3000/.

To achieve the desired functionality, I need to proxy all requests that do not contain the /api path segment to the front-end URL, while requests with the /api path segment should be routed to the backend API.

For example:

  • tena ...
Score: 1
Khan Emir avatar
how to write 301 redirect by checking an special character from the url using htaccess?
lr flag

I have few urls contain some special characters like belowコレクション-帯-袋帯お役立ち情報

I want to write .htaccess to handle this redirection.

I tried this way but its not working

RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^.*\コ [NC]
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^.*\お [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L] ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.