Latest Server related questions

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Default Apache Named VirtualHost when Visiting by IP
ru flag

I originally had the following httpd.conf setup:

<VirualHost *:80>
  ServerAlias etc...
  DocumentRoot /var/www/MainSite

<VirualHost *:443>
  ServerAlias etc...
  DocumentRoot /var/www/MainSite
  SSLEngine on
</VirtualHost ...
Score: 0
Postix to relay SMTP from port 587
cn flag

I have a debian server with postfix, fail2ban, roundcube, webmin and dovecot installed on it. I have been able to send mails from port 25, but regardless of what I try I can't get it to work from 465 and/or 587 regardless of the method I try. This happens in roundcube and a mail client, although I suspect that both errors may differ. I have tried various things these last few days and also read for some ...

Score: 0
David Thoma avatar
Azure Health Monitoring Agent
fr flag

We have been having servers just stop responding and we have to do a hard reset on them. We have been searching for a cause and solution to this issue, as it appears to be happening more frequently.

The servers are Azure VM's running 2019 Datacenter. They experience an eventID of 21402 followed by eventID 21414. I am somewhat thinking that the machine is not responding after the first time the ...

Score: 0
How can I fix the keyboard shortcuts in the MariaDB/MySQL shell?
cn flag

I upgraded from Debian 10 to 11, and from MariaDB 10.3 to 10.7, and keyboard shortcuts were broken, due to a switch from GNU readline to the editline library. I was used to using vi mode, but it is no longer supported, and standard emacs shortcuts also fail.

I haven't found any guides to rebuilding the mariadb client from source with the lost functionality restored, and I don't think it's worth  ...

Score: 0
figuring out why a docker container becomes unresponsive
cn flag

I'm using AWS Elastic Container Services to start and stop Docker containers as demand dictates. The problem is that occasionally, in the middle of the day, a subset of employees just lose the ability to access this containerized website. Killing the Docker containers, one by one, forcing new ones to be spun up, seems to resolve the issue, however.

What I don't understand is what's causing the Do ...

Score: 0
Pepsko avatar
Get real requester IP in containerized NGINX reverse proxy
ro flag

I have Docker Swarm stack with nginx as reverse proxy set up on OVH vps. I was trying to make use of allow/deny directives in location, but if I set deny all; it wouldn't work even for the ip's added with allow directive. After looking at access logs I found out, that all requests allegedly come from IP Now I tried to get the actual IP first to at least be shown in logs, but with no luck. Ther ...

Score: 0
Distribute a Secret to users without showing it to users [Active Directory, Group Policy]
in flag

I need to distribute a secret token to a group of users, where it would be stored in ODBC configuration in the password field (masked). The goal is to make it accessible for GPO script, but not viewable by users (to reduce chances of leaking).

My question is similar to this one, but as I understand, in that case users will be able to access the secret in the place where it is stored.

What is the best way ...

Score: 0
Binding VPN server to distant local network through VPN tunnel for local traffic only
au flag

Apologies if the title is a bit cryptic - not sure how to phrase it better. Hope this is not a duplicate question.

  • 1/ I have an Open VPN server running on my local network, which I connect to when I need access to my NAS and other devices at home. This works well, but this is quite slow when it comes to accessing the internet, outside the local network.

  • 2/ Aside from that, I have another OpenVPN serve ...

Score: 1
Docker: how to change startup arguments for a container that's already been created and runs at server startup?
in flag

Got a Docker container that runs at startup and needs to have this added to the startup arguments:


I'm not readily seeing where to change the startup args for containers that are already setup and going. How would this be added to an existing container?

Score: 0
syslog-ng - set a value or macro based on value of another macro
tl flag

I have a patterndb config that is parsing pfsense filterlog messages to extract the various fields to send to Azure Sentinel in CEF format, it is largely working fine

I need to set the Severity field of my event based upon the firewall action.

for example, if the field "PF.PF_ACTION" is block, the "Severity" needs to = 4, if the "PF.PF_ACTION" is pass "Severity" needs to = 1

Severity does not exist at  ...

Score: 0
Drifter104 avatar
Shibboleth SP single site to multiple site
ca flag

I currently have Shib SP (v3) running to protect a website lets call it Lets say uses an IDP called example1_auth and it is up and running as expected. I have other websites on the same server, they are completely separate from they have different subdomains, different purposes they just share the resources of the server (Lets call the server server1)

I now need ...

Score: 0
Sierramike avatar
Why does vhdx file take more space than actual data in ext4 partition
cn flag

I know Hyper-V is not able to handle ext4 file system, thus the compact will not compact correctly.

But I found some articles on the web suggesting zeroing unused space.

df -h actually returns :

Sys. de fichiers Taille Utilisé Dispo Uti% Monté sur
udev               424M       0  424M   0% /dev
tmpfs               88M    488K   88M   1% /run
/dev/sda1           20G    1,9G   17G  10% /
tmpfs         ...
Score: 0
What is the difference between using StaticMembershipInterceptor and StaticMembershipService
us flag

I've been looking at using Tomcat session replication, and I've found I need to go with StaticMembership over the Mcast. However it seems like there are two ways to setup the StaticMembership, via StaticMembershipService, and StaticMembershipInterceptor.

Are they just two different ways to setup the same thing, are there pros/cons to one approach over another?

Score: -1
Arvy avatar
DNS record with multiple IPs + 512 bytes UDP limit
kr flag

I had a DNS record (ex: pointing to a single IP: IN A

Working fine. Now I have +30 IPs answering for it, example: IN A IN A
(...) IN A

And now it's unstable ("can't find host" errors). Using dig I got a warning "Truncated, retrying in TCP mode". After some Google searc ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.