
Brightness not changing and desktop icons not showing randomly

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Sometimes after I login, brightness controls don't work neither on keyboard nor from settings and notification area; but I can change it using xbacklight.

I've noticed every time this happens, desktop icons also don't show up. Changed desktop icons to nemo, still have the problem, but icons load after changing displays (external only, built-in only, ...)

Notice that this does not happen all the time, but it happens frequently, and (from my perspective) randomly. (so not a duplicate question!)

I've searched and read a lot, but couldn't find the cause, and the only solution for me (beside using xbacklight and assigning a key combination to it) is to logout and login again and hope for it to work.

Any solution, suggestion, clue, and having the same problem is appreciated :)

OS: Zorin OS 15.3 (based on Ubuntu 18.04)

Desktop: Gnome 3

System: Lenovo Thinkpad T460

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Hey Hossein Shojaeifar! I suggest you to ask this question in []. Zorin OS is off-topic in Ask Ubuntu. Read this [help/on-topic] article for more information.

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