
Retrive External Drive Data on Ubuntu 20.04

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Previously I am using ubuntu 20.04 LTS on my Dell Vostro 3458 laptop, on account of some technical problem in the display manager & others, I did a fresh ubuntu 20.04 LTS installation. I had a mounted external drive name Storage on /mnt around 328 GB , where lots of important data belong to. After fresh installation that drive data contained on free space area but didn't get that data over there, also I got a lost+found directory after a made a ext4 Linux partition named Storage on Free Space. Now how could I get those data(Directory, Files, etc)??

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Thanks in advance

vanadium avatar
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First mount that partition `sda3`, then you should be able to see its content navigating into its mount point.
S. M. Shakib Limon avatar
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@vanadium It's mounted now, but didn't get those data that I mentioned except [lost+found]( directory.

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