
scanning multiple pages with scanimage

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I wish to scan multiple pages with my HP ENVY scanner, it does not have a page feeder. I don't mind where the files are created or what name and type they are, I'll convert them to a single pdf file after scanning. Have tried:-

scanimage --batch  --batch-prompt  --resolution 150

And various other permutations but get scanimage: sane_start: Invalid argument all the time.

Any advice would be welcome

24601 avatar
in flag
Have you tried `gscan2pdf` or the default `Document Scanner` (simple scan as was)? I use both on 18.04 and 20.04 with an HP colorlaserjet printer.
bill-lancaster avatar
cl flag
I'm actually calling scanimage from a programme so I'm not sure your suggestions would work.
24601 avatar
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With the default `Document Scanner` it loaded it's own driver in the background which had to be selected otherwise it would error. Give it a try. No harm done otherwise.
bill-lancaster avatar
cl flag
I should have said that I'm calling scanimage from the command line. This way my programme controls the scan parameters. Am looking at both simple-scan (nice) and gsca2pdf. Thanks
24601 avatar
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gscan2pdf allows you to reorder the pages quite neatly.

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