
Focal: graphics extremely choppy — but not on the login screen

ng flag

I've been having problems with my dell Optiplex, which runs 18.04 and has a built-in, integrated Intel GPU. I tried putting an AMD Radeon external video card in it, but this didn't seem to improve my video enough so I removed it. Now, my video is very choppy and I've tried rolling back the kernel, creating a new user, and switching between X and Wayland.

However, there is one place where my video is very smooth and this is on the login screen. If I enable the onscreen keyboard, and focus on the login field, the keyboard will pop up in a way that's prompt, fluid, and responsive, as though there's nothing wrong with my video at all.

Therefore, there's something about the X (and Wayland) environment that isn't rendering video properly.

Karlom avatar
de flag
In my experience with `AMD Radeon RX 580` , open source driver provided by Ubuntu was not good enough and caused very slow motion. Try installing the native Radeon drivers from here:

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