
Container can't connect to host public ip after ip change

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First of all hello y'all.

I've been working on a docker server for my company with several containers. One of them is an apache container with proxy enabled in order to proxy reverse the adress of the other containers removing the port. For example myip:3000 would be the redirection is working properly on the dns server.

When i was setting up the server, i had an specific ip in order to access the internet, but my ip changed. And with that change my apache proxy stoped working.

It is set up like this:

<VirtualHost *:80>
        ProxyPass / http://publicip:3000/
        ProxyPassReverse / http://publicip:3000/

Apache is not the only one unable to access the public ip of the host machine. None of the working containers can do it. Am i doing something wrong? What am i missing? It was working perfectly fine before the ip changed.


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