
Disappeared RAID 1 array after replacing motherboard

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I ran into a huge issue. I planned to replace the motherboard in my HTPC, it was assembled but it turned out that my new mb is faulty and I had to put back the old one. My old Ubuntu 20.04.2 is booted, all drives mounted except the RAID 1 ARRAY (sdc and sdd). I figured it out that the new motherboard's UEFI bios probably deleted the superblocks from the raided HDDs. I checked these:

blkid says to both hdds: PTUUID=".....hjhkkfhsdk....." PTTYPE="gpt"

lsblk says nothing on neither drives, TYPE: disk

mdadm --assemble /dev/md0 /dev/sdc1 /dec/sdd1 mdadm: cannot open device /dev/sdc1: No such file or directory mdadm: /dev/sdc1 has no superblock - assembly aborted

mdadm --run /dev/md0 mdadm: error opening /dev/md0: No such file or directory

mount /md0 /mnt/Storage mount: /mnt/Storage: special device /md0 does not exist

It would be good to find a solution, because there are important data on the array. Thank you in advance!

Whois_me avatar
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I also had an issue once. Keep calm. mdadm is a solid application. I got things working again after using "Boot repair disk" Look at for some tips:
dbzmonty avatar
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PC is working well, just md0 disappeared.
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I managed to get back the data. I commented out the old array in /etc/mdadm.conf, then:

  • created a new raid array: mdadm --create /dev/md0 --verbose --level=1 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sdc /dev/sdd

  • saved the layout: mdadm --detail --scan | sudo tee -a /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf update-initramfs -u

mdad said: "partition table exists on /dev/sdc but will be lost or meaningless after creating array" but after mounting all the data was available on /dev/md0.


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