
Where do Subiquity's (Ubuntu Server's) disk ids come from, in the disk partitioning stage?

jo flag

In the manual partitioning stage of Subiquity (Ubuntu Server installer), there is a list of the disks, in the form of ids.

However, those are slightly different from the /dev/disk/by-id entries.

For example, Subiquity displays VBOX_HARRDISK_VB_01234_56789, while the corresponding /dev/disk/by-id file is scsi-0ATA-VBOX_HARRDISK_VB_01234_56789.

Where does the former come from? Is there any way to programmatically obtain it from the terminal (excluding text processing)?

sudodus avatar
jp flag
I think it is read from the device ID of each disk (hardcoded). Does it match what is displayed by the following commands: `lsblk -o name,model,serial` or `LANG=C sudo parted -ls | grep 'Model:'` and in your particular case it is the device ID of the virtual disk of VirtualBox.
Marcus avatar
jo flag
@sudodus right! it was a concatenation (via underscore) of model and serial. if you convert this comment to answer, I'll accept it!
sudodus avatar
jp flag
I'm glad that I could help you :-)
jp flag

I think the disk ID string is read from the device ID of each disk (hardcoded).

Please check if it matches what is displayed by the following commands:

lsblk -o name,model,serial

LANG=C sudo parted -ls | grep 'Model:'

In your particular case it is the device ID of the virtual disk of VirtualBox.


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