
Touchscreen not working properly on my Lenovo Thinkpad Yoga 15

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It seems to work without a hitch up until I log in and the desktop is shown. It also had no problems using the touchscreen when I was just testing the laptop with a bootable USB device. But after that it doesn't seem to work. Sometimes the touchscreen just decides to work on it's own and doesn't stop working until I power down the device entirely. I have tried sudo apt upgrade to update every single thing that could need updating in hopes that that might fix the issue but it didn't. I have also tried solutions from the common forum posts in this website, but they mostly had faulty terminal commands that didn't do anything, or said the repo was not secure when I tried to pull a kernel update.

Does anyone have a solution to this problem. I just yesterday installed Ubuntu 20.04 on it just because it is a Thinkpad and they are said to work flawlessly with Linux, but as of right now I have only had issues with it. My IdeaPad running Windows 10 works fine on the other hand.


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