
Fastest option to stream movies to my website from a remote storage drive?

ph flag

Hllo everyone .

I'm building a website that will host a alot of videos so the users can watch them.

Right now i have 3 storage servers and 1 backend server to host the website itself.

Problem occurs when i mount the storage servers /directory containing mp4 files/ with sshfs and I play the videos through my website it hangs/lags it's not useable at all.

So my question is what are my options pretty sure sshfs is not suitable for this . A person told me to run the movies straight from the backend server where my website is hosted but it's not doable since they dont support 100TB harddisks which my current storage servers .

To be honest it works fine with the videos that has a lenght of 10 minutes or 20 but when opening multiple stabs it's start to lagg and the videos containing 1 hour or more can't play not even 1 secound without pausing.

Any kind of advice is appreicated.

cn flag
"A person told me to run the movies straight from the backend server " That person is likely correct. Why not test it first with a couple of files? If that does work I can almost guarantee it is the *network* that is the problem.
inh4today avatar
ph flag
hm but my network speed is like 1Gbps-2Gbps both on remote directory server and on back-end server should that not be enough to atlesat play 10 videos at once?
waltinator avatar
it flag
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