I archived a lot of files and folders into a .img file... it is a disk image I made using dd and rsync. I then made an .iso file from the .img file (using ImgBurn in Windows 10).
Now I want to compare the contents of each to be sure the iso file contains all the same files that are in the .img file. For this I am using Meld in Ubuntu mate. When I double click on the .img file it mounts in the /media folder.
When I double click on the .iso file it opens in Engrampa Archive Manager and the mountpoint is /
Like this I am unable to browse to / via Caja file explorer when setting up the directory Compare in Meld. If instead I right click on the iso file and "Open-with" Disk-Image Mounter or Mate Disk-Image Mounter then it creates a mount point in /media so I can browse to that from the Meld User Interface but hidden files and folders are not visible and I need to include them in the comparison.
How can I open the iso file in Caja file explorer so that Hidden files and folders are visible so I can then browse to the iso file contents to include it in a Meld Comparison?
Update 1
I think my problem can be summarised like this... "Why does Disk Image Mounter NOT show hidden files/folders by default in an ISO file but it DOES show hidden files/folders in a .img file"?
Because from testing, that's what I'm seeing. My iso file is (hopefully) and exact copy of the img file... yet when I open the iso using "Disk Image Mounter" the hidden files and folders are not visible in Caja.
And yes I found a mount command that does this...
sudo mount -t udf -o loop,unhide [iso file] [mount point]
But I want to understand why the hidden files are not visible in Caja when I use Disk Image mounter from the "Open with" option on the right click menu. Maybe it's because of how I created the ISO file? I used Joliet and ISO something and UDF and lots of other options I didn't really understand... (in the ImgBurn tool).
Update 2
Thanks for everyone's answers. I created a new question because really what I want to understand is why Disk Image mounter does not show hidden files when I use it to open the ISO file.