
Can we have multiple path/directories for fonts in linux?

al flag

Is there anyway to have multiple directories for loading fonts in Linux distros? Or loading the fonts from a directory inside .fonts such as .fonts/DIRECTORY?

I have two sets of fonts, and I don't want to mix them in .fonts directory.

cn flag

You can organize your fonts in subdirectories under your dedicated fonts directories (e.g. .fonts or .local/share/fonts). These fonts all will be picked up.

Dolan avatar
al flag
Thank you, my friend. I wanted to add have multiple directories inside these paths you mentioned above. For example: `.fonts/English` and `.fonts/Korean`. I don't want to mix them in one directory.
vanadium avatar
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al flag

It seems we can have directories inside .fonts directory and still the fonts will show up. If it doesn't work for you, maybe you need a log-out and log-in or reboot and done. The fonts inside the other directories will show up also.


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