
Dolphin, System Settings, Konsole and KSysGuard icons missing in Kubuntu 20.04 (KDE)

nz flag

Title. I can't recall when this problem first occurred. Both icons in Task Manager and Start Menu, as well as the icons inside the apps themselves simply don't appear. The apps work, however the icons are just blank.

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Bruni avatar
cn flag
Did you change your icon theme or the like?
alexionut05 avatar
nz flag
@Bruni oh my god, I am so dumb. Thank you so much, apparently I was using a ghost Icon Pack which I have no idea how it got there, but I changed back to Breeze Dark and it's all back. How do I mark this question as solved? I never asked questions on this site until today.
Bruni avatar
cn flag
You just accept, the answer that solves your problem. ;-)
cn flag

You most probably have selected an icon pack that has not the required icons.


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