
Ubuntu 20.04 not waking up from suspend (hp aero 13)

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My new laptop hp aero 13 is not waking up from suspend . I saw many facing this problem but it does not solve my problem

my swamp space when i run the command free :enter image description here

waltinator avatar
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Use the `free` command to see if you have swap space. Edit [edit] your question to show the results of `free`. You must have enough swap space to save your memory (when hibernating).
waltinator avatar
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After a "sudden shutdown", aka "system crash", and reboot, the terminal command `sudo journalctl -b -1 -e` will show you the end of the previous boot's log's. If there is no hint there, suspect power/ overheating. Read `man journalctl` to see how to extract information from the logs. You can find how I make use of `journalctl` easier at ``.
waltinator avatar
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You seem confused. Do you mean "sleep" (suspend a process for a fixed time), "suspend" (system stays in memory, CPU enters low energy state), or "hibernate" (system saves memory to disk, in the swap space, CPU halts)? You've used 2 of the 3 words, so I don't know which you mean.
sreejith shaji avatar
cm flag
@waltinator i've edited and added an image of free swap
sreejith shaji avatar
cm flag
@waltinator system the problem is that , when i turn on the lap from hibrination it gaves me a black display and not even keyboard is working

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