
How can I change how root applications look?

cn flag

Kubuntu 21,04. I have this icon problem in root applications, I cannot see some icons to properly handle the tool. How can I fix this? enter image description here

Nmath avatar
ng flag
"root applications" - what do you mean by this? The screenshots you posted do not show any obvious problem. You should edit your question and include more details and context. It's unclear what you are asking.
cn flag
I think sweet dark gtk theme doesn't apply correctly all the icons that I need. I've installed other gtk theme and this time appears the ICONS THAT I DONT HAVE.
Nmath avatar
ng flag
That comment does not help clarify anything. Take your time, edit your question, and add enough details that someone will understand the whole situation. People want to help, but can't help you if they don't understand what you are doing.

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