
ubuntu detected usb but not showing it

in flag

my usb detected by pc but pc doesn't show it.
other usb work well but this one no. this usb works but I do not know what I did wrong that the pc did not show it anymore.(I was trying to bootable it to install Windows)
the result of lsblk for usb is (7.2G):
enter image description here
I think this link also had a problem with me, but I can't edit mount option.
i tried to format usb but it doesn't allow:
enter image description here

it flag

Once you format a USB stick as a bootable drive, you cannot use it for data storage.

USB sticks come with a FAT partition on them. Put simply, to write a bootable inmage on it, you have to erase that partition.

Truth avatar
in flag
I tried to format it but it did not allow.
ChanganAuto avatar
us flag
The easy way to restore to a regular mass storage device is using the similarly named feature of MKUSB.
Nate T avatar
it flag
@ChanganAuto Does that just reformat / write another FAT filesystem overtop of the bootable drive. I'll check out the man page and update the answer. Thanks
ChanganAuto avatar
us flag
@NateT I'm not sure what it does under the hood. I suppose it writes a new partition table then creates and formats a new FAT32 partition.
nl flag

I hope you aren't running any virtualization software (Like VirtualBox, QEMU, KVM etc.,)

Does this command work (this is just to test if /dev/sdb is writable) ?

sudo umount /dev/sdb* ; sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sdb bs=1M count=10 status=progress && sync

(This command overwrites /dev/sdb ; beware not to overwrite important storage media)

If it works, open GParted, then select the device, create a new "msdos" partition table, then reboot and format with GNOME disks.

If it doesn't work, please post the error messages.

Truth avatar
in flag
it says "umount: /dev/sdb: not mounted." usb doesn't have any partition and can't be mounted.I made a partition once and mounted it, and it was empty, but I could not copy anything on it.I deleted the partition and tried to install it again, which gave this error:"input/output error during write on /dev/sdb gparted"

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