
Losing my files when restarting Ubuntu user password

aq flag

I reset my Ubuntu user password and manage to login again in Ubuntu but all my files are missing is like a new installed distribution.How can i recover my files I don't have backup.I restart from grub boot loader resume etc. I am usin Ubuntu 20.04.2-Ubuntu I reset my password from grub boot loader root shell password username and I change the password.

in flag
How did you reset your user password? Which version of Ubuntu are you using? Can you [edit] your question to include this information? It may help with a solution
Mike Hadzhiev avatar
aq flag
I edit the question.Thanks
Nmath avatar
ng flag
Please be more specific. What commands did you use exactly? It sounds like you may have possibly set up a new user? What files are missing? Where were they located before (absolute path) and what is currently at that path now?
Will avatar
id flag
I wonder if you somehow created a new user rather than changed your password? You might be able to find your files by booting into a live usb session and hunting on your drive.
Mike Hadzhiev avatar
aq flag
Yes i think also I was create new user I will try with live usb session

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