
Bluetooth lag with speakers when using trackpad

ng flag

I am new to linux so sorry if there is an bovious fix. I am using a lenovo ideapad 3. I had trouble from the start with my getting my trackpad to work which was I solved follwing this solution

But now I am having some issues with a bluetooth speaker. My audio lags like crazy when I use the trackpad, espeacially if I scroll with 2 fingers. The keyboard doesn't effect it, and I tried plugging in a USB mouse and that worked fine as well. So the culprit is the trackpad, whether from the fix I used or otherwise. I really don't know where to start with this one. Anyone have any ideas?

I've also noticed a little bit of input lag when scrolling with the trackpad in general.

karthik nair avatar
gr flag
Hello monsieur, Kindly provide additional info like (1) the ubuntu version you're using (2) the kernal version (3) Device model etc so that we can further help you !

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