
21.10 Firefox Missing Profiles

za flag

I upgraded 21.04 to 21.10 and have a couple of issues which I'll separate out. The first is Firefox will not launch. Or rather it does, but only to give the error

Your Firefox profile cannot be loaded. It may be missing or inaccessible.

There doesn't seem to be any way around the error message. I had Firefox running successfully under 21.04 before the upgrade.

mook765 avatar
cn flag
It could have to do with the fact that firefox is now installed as a snap instead of a deb-package. Depending on the location of your profile (snaps only have access to $HOME by default) you may need to configure permissions of the firefox snap. Alternatively you can still install the deb package. See the [Releae Notes]( and [this discourse](
darth_epoxy avatar
nl flag
What do you get if you open a terminal and type `sudo firefox -P`
us flag
Does `sudo apt install firefox && sudo snap remove firefox` work?
Velkan avatar
ar flag
[Firefox lost passwords, saved tabs, settings after upgrading to Ubuntu 22.04]([email protected]/msg6020064.html). I've lost everything too (now trying to get stuff manually from my profile), snaps are bogged.
us flag

The Firefox snap app is the default web browser in Ubuntu 21.10. You can uninstall the snap version and install the .deb version with the command:

sudo apt install firefox && sudo snap remove firefox

The .deb version of Firefox should be able to see your profile.

id flag

I had the same issue. Here is what I did to quickly fix this issue.

  1. Uninstall firefox snap with:

    sudo snap remove firefox
  2. Install firefox snap with:

    sudo snap install firefox
  3. Run snap with:

    snap run firefox

With the last command you should see the following lines in the terminal:

Importing existing firefox profiles from /home/xxxxxxx/.mozilla/firefox
Found default profile: xxxxxxxx.default
Import done in 1.826 s

After that all bookmarks and login/password should be back.

nz flag
You have to do this while the previous .deb version is installed still! See In 22.04 I had to reinstall the firefox .deb using these instructions: . I also had to use the `--allow-downgrade` flag according to here:
me flag
In my case during upgrade 20.04.5 > 22.04.1 profiles were not transferred for other than the primary user. The even faster fix was: **1.** close firefox **2.** `rm -rf ~/snap/firefox` **3.** `snap run firefox` (import will start). See --- Note: I would be afraid that `sudo snap remove firefox` could affect profiles of all the users on the system :(
Victor Parmar avatar
in flag
@pabouk-Ukrainestaystrong thanks a lot for your comment - I made it into an answer :)
in flag

The simplest solution that works for me was as follows:

  1. close firefox
  2. rm -rf ~/snap/firefox
  3. snap run firefox

Upgrade from 20.04.5 > 22.04.1. Per and thanks to @pabouk for the solution above.


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