
Monitor showing up as 22 inch when it is 27 inch

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So I have two 27 inch monitors, one is correctly registered, the other is showing up as a 22 inch even though it is not. This makes all the objects on the screen enlarged as the display thinks that it is 22 inches, so the items are displayed larger than they should be.

At first it wasn't letting me change the resolution from 1680x1050, which I managed to get around by creating a new custom resolution of 1920x1080, which improved the situation, the items on the screen are now slightly smaller and usable.

However, they are still slightly too large. When my monitors are side by side this creates an issue with the mouse jumping upward/downward depending on movement between the two screens (if I move along the top of the screen which is wrong it comes out about 4/5ths of the way up the other screen.)

Now this is usable but mildly infuriating, I have had a look and found one similar question with no answer. Does anyone know how to force change the size that the screen is registered as to the correct size?


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