
Graphics issues with ubuntu

sy flag

I just installed Ubuntu on an older computer. The graphics freeze and are skewed diagonally. I am running an Nvidia GeForce 7025 graphics card and was wondering what to do to correct this.

ChanganAuto avatar
us flag
Try Lubuntu or Xubuntu instead. The standard Ubuntu with Gnome is simply too much for hardware of that vintage.
guiverc avatar
cn flag
You should be specific; what do you classify as old? I'm using a 2009 dell workstation & rarely consider it old as it works perfectly. Is old 2004? 2005? or when? What architecture? What release did you try and install? What ISO & options did you install with ? (ie. an ISO that contains 3rd party drivers, or not - did you try adding any?) Which kernel stack did you opt to use? have you tried the alternate stack? (eg. in QA-testing August-2020 I found some old (2004-2005 era) boxes didn't like the HWE kernel so the fix for them was sticking with GA for that release but you're using ???
karel avatar
sa flag
Does this answer your question? [Ubuntu 14.04 has visual artifacts and freezes](

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