
How to Change Ubuntu 21.10 GDM background to a Image or to a Color

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How to Change Ubuntu 21.10 gdm background to a Image or to a Color.

Below Pic is of Ubuntu 20.04 GDM Login Screen

Is there a way similar to this post which is for Ubuntu 20.04 How do I change login screen theme or background in Ubuntu 20.04?

br flag

For Changing the GDM Login Screen Background with a Image, Color or Gradient Horizontal or Vertical. There is a script in github.

You can download the script with the below command

wget -qO - | tar zx --strip-components=1 ubuntu-gdm-set-background-main/ubuntu-gdm-set-background

Once the script is downloaded, you can read the help with below command

./ubuntu-gdm-set-background --help

to set the background as image, run the below command. Replace the path of the image to your preferred one.

sudo ./ubuntu-gdm-set-background --image /home/user/backgrounds/image.jpg

to set the background as color, run the below command. Replace the Hex Color Code with your preferred one.

sudo ./ubuntu-gdm-set-background --color \#aAbBcC

to set the background as gradient's horizontal or vertical. Run the below command with either horizontal or vertical as choice and by replacing the two Hex color codes as you wish

sudo ./ubuntu-gdm-set-background --gradient horizontal \#aAbBcC \#dDeEfF

vn flag


  • Examples do not work. Attempting to set an image or color complains that you didn't specify --set
  • Using --set does not work. Script still prompts for color or image later anyway
  • Doesn't handle filepaths with spaces.


  • Seems to work as advertised - at least for setting and image.
  • Handles filepaths with spaces.

Why doesn't someone just combine all of these different gdm background checkers to sense the disto and do the right thing? In fact, it should be part of Ubuntu/GDM.

ca flag

Ubuntu recently added the ability to customize this without relying on any third-party scripts (this is not yet possible if using GDM with a distro other than Ubuntu, see here for progress on that).

First install systemd-container:

sudo apt install systemd-container

Now we need to login as the gdm user before we run any gsettings commands:

sudo machinectl shell gdm@ /bin/bash

Now we can set the background to any image:

gsettings set com.ubuntu.login-screen background-picture-uri 'file:///usr/share/backgrounds/warty-final-ubuntu.png'

Other than background-picture-uri, you can also set background-color to just change the color without setting an image. If you set an image, you can also set the background-repeat and background-size settings.

(Note that you'll only see this image/color on the login screen, not the lock screen, which will instead be a blurred version of your desktop wallpaper)

karthik nair avatar
gr flag
how to reset? ..
cn flag

I have adapted the PRATAP-KUMAR/focalgdm3 repository for use in Ubuntu 21.10.


This script assumes that the Installation of Ubuntu 21.10 is a fresh install. If you tried to change the GDM background with someother scripts, you first need to reset those changes. Other scripts may have the option --reset.

Change the login screen background for Ubuntu 21.10 only.

this script is to change the login screen background of Ubuntu 21.10 only.

you can download the impishgdm file via command line

wget -qO - | tar zx --strip-components=1 impishgdm-TrailRun/impishgdm

Once you downloaded the script focalgdm3. cd to the downloaded script file.

to set the background with Image
sudo ./impishgdm /absolute/path/to/image

to set the background with color
sudo ./impishgdm \#aAbBcC replace #aAbBcC with any vaid hex color code..

to reset everything that the script made..
sudo ./impishgdm --reset


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