
Ubuntu doesn't appear in the boot order list

mx flag

Last time I had an error installing Ubuntu because when I selected Windows 10 on the grub list, Windows 10 always showed a message saying "Windows 10 needs repair".

But that error happen because I was installing Ubuntu in Legacy, not uefi.

But now I'm having another error installing Ubuntu in dual boot Windows 10 in UEFI. When I go to the UEFI Bios, the Ubuntu hard disk doesn't appear on the list bios boot to change!

My bios mode is UEFI + Legacy.

Does it have anything to do with the bios mode?

dotdeb avatar
us flag
Am I correct in assuming you never reach the GRUB menu, since you do not see the partition in the BIOS screen. I am no expert in this domain, but I am assuming it has something to do with the partition mounting. I would first recommend using Legacy bios mode and check if it helps. If not, perhaps [this answer]( in a related thread might be useful.
Devilas avatar
mx flag
Thank you so much @dotdeb. I finally did it!

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