
I tried building Wine and Wine64 from the source, but only one appears to be present

us flag

OS information: Ubuntu 21.10 (Impish), attempting to install Wine 6.20 from source (WoW64 'shared' version)

More specifically, it appears that Wine (32-bit) installed successfully, but when I attempt to check wine64 --version, it doesn't appear... I ran ./configure --enable-wine64 before the actual build and I made sure to install my 32-bit build (in a separate directly) BEFORE installing wine64. I tried going back into my Wine64 directory and attempted to sudo make install again, but no dice. Any ideas on why the 64 bit build is not appearing?

Here's my bash history for reference (built the 32-bit wine in wine-6.20 and 64-bit in wine64-6.20 respectively):

cd wine64-6.20
./configure --enable-wine64
sudo make -j4
cd wine-6.20
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/lib32 ../wine-6.20/configure --with-wine64=../wine64-6.20
sudo make
sudo make install
cd wine64-6.20
sudo make install
N0rbert avatar
zw flag
Toooo complicated. Install PlayOnLinux and it will allow you to select any Wine version upto 6.18.

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