
"I can't start gs converter..." error while printing to Boomaga in Ubuntu 21.10 from Lazarus

cn flag

On the previous versions of Ubuntu (21.04 and below) I didn't have this problem. This problem started after upgrade to 21.10.

Lazarus version 2.0.12 64-linux-gtk2 is getting the following error while printing to virtual printer Boomaga version 3.0.0 on Ubuntu 21.10:

I can't start gs converter: "GPL Ghostscript 9.54.0: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1 "

Actually, this message is displayed by Boomaga itself. However, other applications on Ubuntu 21.10 (like gedit, geany, LibreOffice, etc.) do not have this problem and print OK.

Please, note that this problem does not occur in Lazarus while printing on other printers (like Generic CUPS-PDF Printer for example).

Applications developed by Lazarus have the same problem too.

Since the version of Boomaga is the same on both Ubuntu 21.04 and 21.10, I compared the versions of the GhostScipt command: Version of gs is 9.53.3 on Ubuntu 21.04, while it is 9.54.0 on Ubuntu 21.10.

What may have changed in gs between versions 9.53 and 9.54 that generates this error?

N0rbert avatar
zw flag
See to be a bug, reported it as .
FedKad avatar
cn flag
Thanks @N0rbert. I think it is a Boomaga incompatibility with the next version of gs.

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