
How to print and scan on HP Deskjet 2700 series printer on ubuntu 20.04 that is just installed. The printer is listed in Printers

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Printing and scanning problem on HP DeskJet 2700

24601 avatar
in flag
Have you installed [HPLIP](
N0rbert avatar
zw flag
Does this answer your question? [How to install latest HPLIP on my Ubuntu to support my HP printer and/or scanner?]( ← your printer needs 3.20.5, so you have to install binary hplip.
it flag

You're asking about 2 problems: print, and scan.

Print is managed via CUPS (Common Unix Printing System), browse to http://localhost:631 to manage/add your printer. Read man -k cups.

Scanners are accessed through SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy). Read man -k sane, especially man sane-find-scanner


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