
How to make "awesome-terminal-fonts" to work?

mx flag

I'm trying to configure awesome terminal fonts on Xubuntu in order to have correct icons when using Oh my Git. I followed the installation instructions which are the following:

How to install (Linux)

  • copy all the fonts from ./build directory to ~/.fonts directory
  • copy all the font maps (all *.sh files) from ./build directory to ~/.fonts directory
  • run fc-cache -fv ~/.fonts to let freetype2 know of those fonts
  • customize the configuration file ./config/10-symbols.conf replacing PragmataPro with the name of the font you want to use in the terminal (I will add more fonts in the future so that this step could be skippable)
  • copy the above configuration file to ~/.config/fontconfig/conf.d directory
  • source the font maps (source ~/.fonts/*.sh) in your shell startup script (eg. ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc)

My ~/.config/fontconfig/conf.d/10-symbols.conf file is:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">

When a glyph is missing in the current font freetype2 will look into
other installed fonts to see if it's going to find it, but which fonts?
and in which order?

The configuration below aim to declare an ordered list of fonts
to be looked into when a glyph is not found in a specic font


    <family>DejaVu Sans Mono</family>

But my terminal still does not render the symbols the right way.

enter image description here

Gunnar Hjalmarsson avatar
uz flag
Can you please edit your question and show us the output from this terminal command: `fc-match monospace`

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