
will ubuntu work on an hp envy 13, specifically envy 13-ba1027nn

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I will start a full stack developer course soon, and i gotta get a laptop that's gonna run Linux, specifically Ubuntu. I've been eyeing envy 13-ba1027nn since it's pretty powerful and cheap ish. Will Ubuntu run on this specific laptop? Here are the full specs provided by hp:

24601 avatar
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oldfred avatar
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Similar HP with newer Intel chip. You will need newest version of Ubuntu to have newest kernel & drivers. HP 17-BY4063CL Laptop shows UEFI screens, needed 21.04 since new Intel chip &
cn flag

of course it will run, ubuntu has a pretty low system requirement, it can even run on my 9 year old computer that has 8 gigs ram, amd fx 8120, compared to windows it is much faster, windows fan speed is 60db, ubuntu is only 10

so if it can run on my 9 year old PC, it can probably run on anything

mx flag

yes it will. I run mine on a 2gb ram server with 2cores allocated to it and have no issues what so ever with a gui.

Shiro UwU avatar
mx flag
if needed here is a link of neofetch:

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