I am running an Ubuntu and Windows dual boot on my Dell XPS laptop. Originally I had success in running this dual boot by following the steps here: Workaround to Install Ubuntu 20.04 with Intel RST systems or here: Install dual boot ubuntu with windows 10 and RAID on to run both windows and ubuntu on this computer by switching to ACHI instead of RAID, however over a few months this created significant battery problems and crashing issues, to the point where multiple hard restarts would be required after every sleep / laptop lid close to access either operating system. At first I thought this was a hardware issue and got my laptop serviced (in which they completely wiped it), and the issue was gone until I followed the same steps to set up by dual boot and then the issue reappeared a few months later. Once I switched back to RAID (by following the same steps in the link above but with the switch reversed), the crashing and battery drain problems were resolved, but I could no longer access Ubuntu.
Therefore running my laptop in ACHI is not an option, as it creates too many alternate problems that I have been unable to resolve (I have done full driver and OS reinstalls, talked to Dell support, and went through crash logs). So my question is, is it possible to run an Ubuntu and Windows dual boot using RAID? If I can't use Ubuntu, are there other linux distros that can run with RAID?