
Can't Uninstall PCSX2

cn flag

I know this is about PCSX2 but since it's still on Ubuntu. But anyways I need help with uninstalling PCSX2 from my laptop. I am currently running the latest version of Ubuntu at the moment of me typing this. I'm a complete newbie to Linux literally just installed it today and I was trying to use PCSX2 but no matter what I do I couldn't get it to recognize my Xbox controller. I am running verison 1.7.0-0 GIT and before making this post I did look up on how to uninstall it and every time I entered in the command it told me too. It kept saying I didn't have it on my computer even though I do. I just need help with uninstalling it. Can anyone help?

This is proof that I actually do have it installed

This is what happens every time I try to install it

The output of which pcsx2 is empty.

and which PCSX2 is:

$ dpkg -S /usr/games/PCSX2
pcsx2-unstable: /usr/games/PCSX2
nobody avatar
gh flag
It is maybe a snap.
N0rbert avatar
zw flag
Please [edit] your question and add output of `which pcsx2` and `which PCSX2` to the original question. I prepared two TODO blocks for the actual output.
N0rbert avatar
zw flag
Open terminal, please, execute command `which pcsx2` , copy its output, paste to the question. Then do the same for second command - `which PCSX2` .
Corny avatar
cn flag
Oh ok well the first command you posted did nothing. But the second showed this "/usr/games/PCSX2"
N0rbert avatar
zw flag
Then we need output of `dpkg -S /usr/games/PCSX2` .
Corny avatar
cn flag
Did that and it showed this "pcsx2-unstable: /usr/games/PCSX2"
N0rbert avatar
zw flag
Let us [continue this discussion in chat](
zw flag

During chat session we discovered that it was installed from PCSX2 Daily Builds PPA. To remove the PPA and packages use below commands:

sudo apt-get install ppa-purge
sudo ppa-purge ppa:pcsx2-team/pcsx2-daily
sudo apt-get autopurge pcsx2-unstable
sudo apt-get autopurge pcsx2

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