Long story short, I am testing out Ubuntu 21.10 through a USB connected to my Macbook Pro laptop (mid-2014). How can I use copy and paste on Ubuntu 21.10? I tried adding the keyboard shortcut (command c/ command v OR control shift c/ control shift v) but haven't had any luck.
At first I thought this was a google suite issue but it doesn't work on any sites. I have at some luck using right click to paste but it is often lagging (i.e., pastes something I copied minutes before). Plus, given I use google suite (Which doesn't allow right click to paste) I'd like to have a working keyboard shortcut.
Any advice you have is appreciated. I'll also note I did look through previous questions but none seemed to speak to this particular issue.
EDIT: I think I found a solution thanks to this thread
How do I remap my Ubuntu keyboard shortcuts to match OSX?
Settings -> Keyboard -> + (add input source) -> English ([your locale]) -> English (Macintosh).
Make sure you remove all of the other keyboard "input sources" as mine didn't work until I removed those. (I still have customized keyboard shortcuts as "super (command) + c" but I use control on my keyboard.