
How can I change rubberband colour on Desktop?

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(Sorry for any bad English)

Lately, I have been customizing my system (Ubuntu 21.10 themed with Yaru Dark and Zsh as shell with powerlevel10k theme). I set it all up, including a cool colour palette. Here is my problem: when I left click on the Desktop and drag, the rubberband generated appears orange, the default colour, which broke the aesthetics of the palette I choose.


What I want to do is change the colour of the rubberband

At first, I only managed to figure out how to change the colour of the cursor highlighting when pressing Ctrl key, and it didn't even work for me!

Then I tried editing


and also


But both files only had one line:

@import url("resource:///com/ubuntu/themes/Yaru-dark/3.0/gtk.css");.

I tried by adding the code:

XfdesktopIconView.view .rubberband, .content-view rubberband, treeview.view rubberband, flowbox rubberband,
.rubberband {
  background-color: blue;

But for my bad luck, nothing happened...

If you know how to change the colour, let me know.

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Add below lines in the file /usr/share/themes/Yaru-dark/gtk-3.20/gtk.css for testing purpose. Once it is satisfactory create a local theme so that, the changes will not be overwritten when packages are updated.

.view:selected:focus, .view:selected, .view text:selected:focus {
  background-color: orange; }

Change the color "orange" with any other color you wish in above line.

Tested in Ubuntu 21.10 with "Yaru-dark" theme.

enter image description here

Iván Araolaza avatar
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It finally worked, thank you!

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