Actually I have a problem by using qemu on my Windows 10 to built an Ubuntu arm64 Image.
I creating the qemu VM with packer, it works fine, but it still hang after typing the boot parameters.
After starting my Packer, I getting Popup qemu Display with following error:
-> Guest has not initialied the display (yet) <-
I trying some Quemu arguments for Display setting, but it still not work
hopefully searching for help.
My Packer Version : 1.7.8
Ubuntu Version : 21.10 live server arm64 | 20.04 live server arm64 (test both)
qemu version : 6.2
My packer Config:
source "qemu" "ubuntu-server" {
boot_command = ["<esc><wait>", "<esc><wait>", "<enter><wait>", "/install/vmlinuz<wait>", " initrd=/install/initrd.gz", " auto-install/enable=true", " debconf/priority=critical", " preseed/url=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/preseed.cfg<wait>", " -- <wait>", "<enter><wait>"]
http_directory = "../config/http"
iso_checksum = "${UBUNTU_ISO_CHECKSUM}"
iso_urls = ["${UBUNTU_ISO_NAME}"]
output_directory = "output/live-server"
shutdown_command = "sudo shutdown -P now"
disk_size = "60000"
format = "qcow2"
ssh_handshake_attempts = "20"
ssh_password = "XXXX"
ssh_pty = "true"
ssh_timeout = "245m"
ssh_username = "XXXXX"
vm_name = "${VM_NAME}"
net_device = "virtio-net"
disk_interface = "virtio"
boot_wait = "15s"
headless = "false"
cpus = 4
memory = 8192
qemu_binary = "qemu-system-arm.exe"
qemuargs = [
[ "-machine", "virt" ],
[ "-device", "virtio-gpu-pci" ],
[ "-boot", "strict=off" ],
[ "-cpu", "max" ],
[ "-m", "8192M" ],
[ "-smp", "4" ],
[ "-device", "qemu-xhci" ],
[ "-display", "sdl" ],
[ "-vga", "std" ]