
Headset microphone not working while internal built-in microphone works in Dell inspiron 5759 running Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS

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I have a Dell Inspiron 5759 laptop running Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS. My laptop's internal in-built speakers and microphone works well. But when I plug in my headset(3.5 mm 4-pole [TRRS]), headset output audio works fine, but headset microphone is not working.

Sound settings

As you can see in my sound setting, where there is some response in headset microphone, but it's actually a static noise when I tried to record it.

Please find my ALSA Information Script in case you find it useful to help.

Also find the output for the command lspci -knn | grep -i audio -A2

lspci -knn | grep -i audio -A2

And output for the command cat /proc/asound/card*/codec* | grep Codec

cat /proc/asound/card*/codec* | grep Codec

PS: I'm new to Linux and this microphone issue drives me crazy. I tried a lot of solution and finally came here for help. Thanks in advance!

David avatar
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How is the headset attached. USB Bluetooth 3.5 jack?
Saravanan avatar
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Hi @David. It's attached using 3.5 jack.
David avatar
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A single jack or 2? If it uses only one then it needs an adapter to be able to use both ports on the laptop to use sound and mic.
Saravanan avatar
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It's a single jack. As mentioned in my laptop specs, "One headset (headphone and microphone combo) port". My headset contains an in-built microphone. Do I still need an adapter?
David avatar
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So you need the adapter so it plugs into both sound and mic on the laptop. Sounds like you are using a headset made for a phone.
Saravanan avatar
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Could you provide a link to an adapter as I have limited knowledge on that?
David avatar
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Just do a google search
Saravanan avatar
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But I'm using 3.5 mm 4-pole (TRRS) headset. Do I still need a adapter?
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Right now, the headset microphone is working, and it turned out to be a hardware issue in my laptop's IO board. I disassembled my laptop and cleaned my IO board, and my microphone issue is solved. Thank you!


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