
can not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/installer.squashfs) on /installer.squashfs

gd flag

I just got a old desktop from my uncle, and I wanted make a Minecraft server using Ubuntu 20.04.4 server.

The spec of the desktop -Intel Pentium G630T @ 2.30 Ghz -4096 MB DDR3 -Patriot 32GB SATA SSD -Intel 170GB SATA SSD and a 16GB Sandisk USB Disk as a installer

I flashed the server OS through Balena Etcher and it worked flawlessly... However, when i mounted the usb disk to the computer and tried booting it, I was stucked at initramfs, telling me I have a can not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/installer.squashfs) on /installer.squashfs error... Can someone please advice on how to solve this problem. Thanks

David avatar
cn flag
Did you verify the ISO file before making the live USB?
Ian Goh avatar
gd flag
I haven't tried that before... hehe... can you tell me how to verify it? Tq
David avatar
cn flag
The link to the Ubuntu site with step by step.
Ian Goh avatar
gd flag
Hi David, I tried verifying and the .iso file was normal..... What could possibly cause this problem? I'm a newbie to Ubuntu and i don't know much about it.... Please advice me on the next step...

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