
Installing a steam game on a secondary drive

fr flag

I'm trying to install a steam game on a secondary drive. I have a partition set up and mounted at /media/impulse/{uuid}. However, when I open Settings > Downloads > Steam Library Folders > +, the directory picker doesn't list /mnt or /media. Why?


In the Gnome Files View it is shown

Shown in Files

PonJar avatar
in flag
Why not mount your drive at /home/username/steam? Then it should be simple. Strange that you cannot use /media but then lots of different things can be mounted there so perhaps steam have not allowed it
Impulse The Fox avatar
fr flag
That also didn't work. It just misses half of the directories.
ar flag
Based on the answer OP is using the Pop_OS. I am voting to close this question as off-topic.
fr flag

I found the answer in the description of the app in Pop!_Shop:

Note: To add a game library on another drive, first you need to grant the app access to it:

flatpak override --user --filesystem=/path/to/your/Steam/Library com.valvesoftware.Steam

PonJar avatar
in flag
Just so it will be clear for others. You are using a flatpak version of the steam app? Is that correct? If so this will not be helpful for a regular package
ChanganAuto avatar
us flag
Indeed ^^^The regular .deb has no such limitation, snaps and flatpacks do. And if you're using Pop!_OS then your question is off-topic.

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