
Mouse click only works if I long press. Same for all buttons on mouse

th flag

Wwhen I move my cursor using my mouse it works normally like no delay butter smooth, but when I click my mouse button it does not click like I have to press the button for something like 2 seconds. It happens for all six buttons on my mouse.

What I tried to do to fix it -

  1. edit mouse setting like from kde setting
  2. reset my pc
  3. change my distribution (from pop os to archcraft now on kubuntu)
  4. clean my mouse from the inside (i opened my mouse for the first time to make it work but still no results)
  5. check all wires are good ( no defect in wires or mouse hardware)
  6. try to connect to a different USB port
  7. searching on google ( could not find anything related to it)```

Video of this prolem

WU-TANG avatar
cn flag
everything except try a new mouse? or try the same mouse on a different computer?

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