
Frame Rate Problem With second monitor

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Recently I got a second monitor which my parents had been using for some years. Before I plugged it into my computer my main monitor ran at 75 hz with vsync games running at 75 fps. However, when the other monitor is on it caps my games at 60 fps (the other monitor is 60 hz) and my main the monitor seems to run at 60 hz, even though in settings it says that it is running at 75 hz. I have already tried changing the /etc/environment file, but it does not work. The monitors also have the same name is settings, despite one of them being a decade older with a different resoloution, they are still both named Benq 24". I am using a nvidia gforce 710. with nvidia drivers. At the moment I have to turn off the second monitor to play games which takes away a lot of functionality.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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