
Set "Ubuntu On Xorg" by default globally but without preventing the choice of Wayland

it flag

On this site:

I was told the way to set Ubuntu on Xorg by default in the file /etc/gdm3/custom.conf:

# GDM configuration storage
# See /usr/share/gdm/gdm.schemas for a list of available options.

# Uncomment the line below to force the login screen to use Xorg

# Enabling automatic login
#  AutomaticLoginEnable = true
#  AutomaticLogin = user1

# Enabling timed login
#  TimedLoginEnable = true
#  TimedLogin = user1
#  TimedLoginDelay = 10





# Uncomment the line below to turn on debugging
# More verbose logs
# Additionally lets the X server dump core if it crashes

But it doesn't work.
The name ubuntu-xorg.desktop I took it from the path /usr/share/xsessions.
Uncommenting (as the guide explains) or not the WaylandEnable=false line, the DefaultSession=ubuntu-xorg.desktop line has no effect.

I don't want the option Wayland to disappear (uncommenting the line WaylandEnable=false), I just want that when creating any user (therefore for all users, therefore globally) Ubuntu on Xorg is selected as default is not Ubuntu (Ubuntu on Wayland). Which file should I go to touch?

Don't tell me /var/lib/AccountService/users/<user> because I've already pointed out that I want to set this option globally but I don't want a way that uses the /usr/local/sbin/adduser.local file to do this if there is an already foreseen and more appropriate method.

vanadium avatar
cn flag
Please correct some of the wording in your question: the site did not say that adding only that line was enough or would work (which you now seem to imply). It only dealt with the case where you both set `WaylandEnable=false` and add the line.
it flag
Uncommenting (as the guide explains) or not the `WaylandEnable=false` line, the `DefaultSession=ubuntu-xorg.desktop` line has no effect.
it flag
Someone can hel me?
Ibtehaj Khan avatar
cn flag
I followed the (very simple) instructions given on the website ( you quoted and it didn't work initially. I did not deviate from the instructions provided in the link. However, I restarted my PC as a last ditch effort before reverting my changes and it worked. So, perhaps, a full reboot is necessary.
cn flag

I had upgraded from 20.04 to 22.04 and this approach worked for me on 22.04:

  1. Confirm you're on Wayland. Typing echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE in a terminal should return wayland.
  2. Backup the configuration file: sudo cp /etc/environment /etc/environment.bak.
  3. Edit file: sudo nano /etc/gdm3/custom.conf.
  4. Insert new line DefaultSession=gnome-xorg.desktop. It should look something like this:

enter image description here

  1. Reboot and Ubuntu On Xorg is now selected by default at the Ubuntu 22.04 login screen, and Ubuntu (on Wayland) is still available as an option.

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