
Long pause after login using display manager

ma flag

I have a strange problem with Ubuntu, that I never had before:

when using GDM3 (or any other display manager I've tested) and Xorg, after logging in I have to wait for 5 or more minutes, until my session starts. After that it works just fine.

When using Wayland it works without any problems. When using startx/xinit it works like a charm too.

This problem is definitely quite common, but I didn't manage to find a solution, though there are a lot of reports with similar symptoms.

My system is fresh (just installed) Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS.

What could I check? What could I fix?

user535733 avatar
cn flag
How about your logs? What do they show?
Igor Chubin avatar
ma flag
@user535733: Which logs should I check?
user535733 avatar
cn flag
If you don't know, then check ALL your logs. You can likely exclude logs with last-modified timestamps before the problem appeared. Logs are a very common troubleshooting tool. If you did enough research to determine that "*there are a lot of reports with similar symptoms*" but none of those many reports mention logs, then that research --and that conclusion-- may be suspect.
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