
Ubuntu 22.04 mouse and keyboard are hanging

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I installed Ubuntu 22.04 and after that the mouse and keyboard are hanging a lot, I tried restarting the laptop but when I open it the same problems appear every about 20 minutes, my laptop is Dell G5 5520 Ram 16 GB processor intel core i7 12th generation Nividia RTX 3050 4GB

enter image description here

Pilot6 avatar
cn flag
What is the Ubuntu version. There is no Ubuntu 22 desktop release. Did you install Nvidia drivers?
Muhammad Ali avatar
ua flag
ubuntu 22.04 yes installed
Pilot6 avatar
cn flag
Please [edit] your question and add output of `lspci -k | grep -EA3 'VGA|3D|Display'` terminal command.
Pilot6 avatar
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Please don't post screenshots of text. Terminal output is text.
Muhammad Ali avatar
ua flag
I added the output of this command
Muhammad Ali avatar
ua flag
Sorry I am trying to do this but unfortunately the mouse and keyboard are hanging and I can't copy it from the terminal
Pilot6 avatar
cn flag
No problem. Install the drivers and reboot.
Muhammad Ali avatar
ua flag
How can I install them? From nvidia website or something else
Pilot6 avatar
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See the answer.
Muhammad Ali avatar
ua flag
When I came to install the drivers through the gui I got multiple choices how can I select between them
Pilot6 avatar
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Select the 525 driver. The top one, that says tested.
Muhammad Ali avatar
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This didn't work, it gave me a x in a circle and ok
Pilot6 avatar
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Disable Secure Boot in BIOS.
Muhammad Ali avatar
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I installed it. Is there anything to do
Pilot6 avatar
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Do you still have a problem?
Muhammad Ali avatar
ua flag
It didn't happen until now
Pilot6 avatar
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So the problem is solved. You can accept the answer.
Muhammad Ali avatar
ua flag
@Pilot6 I am still facing the same issue, updating the drivers minimized the problem but it is not fully solved ?
cn flag

Install Nvidia drivers using Software & Updates -> Additional Drivers application.

You can also do it by a terminal command

sudo ubuntu-drivers install

Then reboot.

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