
What is the modifier key?

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I'm trying to use gnome-tweaks to learn more key bindings and assign new ones. The most extensive list of assignable actions seems to be provided by gnome-tweaks, under Settings Editor, row xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts.

As shown on the screenshot, many such bindings involve a modifier key. What does that map to in physical keyboards? For concreteness, mine is a ThinkPad keyboard with bottom row of keys Fn, Ctrl, Alt, AltGr and of course Shift.

I'm running Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS and the window manager is xubuntu-desktop.dialog under gnome-tweaks

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It's typically the Ctrl key. The <Primary> label exists so that GTK can have Ctrl-based shortcuts for Linux/Windows and Command ⌘/Super-based shortcuts in macOS. See this U&L post for details.

Silvio Levy avatar
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Thanks a lot. I searched for "Primary" with other terms such as "key" etc and got only answers where "primary" had some irrelevant meaning.
I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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